Einträge 71 - 80 von 179

MLW 12cyl 251B (FT)  LokSound V4.0 Amerikanische und Australische Geräusche H0 N XL L M4

Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!

Recorded from an MLW RS-18

The ALCO 251 prime mover was the most popular and abundant prime mover ever made by the company. While it proved to be quite successful, it sadly outlived its original manufacturer, ALCO who closed their doors in 1969. The 251 prime mover is actually still available to purchase today from Fairbanks Morse for use in Marine, Generator, and locomotive uses.

The 1800 horsepower 12cyl version of the 251B could be found in the mehr…

ALCO 8cyl 251F (FT)  LokSound V4.0 Amerikanische und Australische Geräusche H0 N XL L M4

Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!

The ALCO 251 prime mover was the most popular and abundant prime mover ever made by the company. While it proved to be quite successful, it sadly outlived its original manufacturer, ALCO who closed their doors in 1969. The 251 prime mover is actually still available to purchase today from Fairbanks Morse for use in Marine, Generator, and locomotive uses.

The 1500 horsepower 8cyl version of the 251F could be found in the following mehr…

MLW 12cyl 251C (FT)  LokSound V4.0 Amerikanische und Australische Geräusche H0 N XL L M4

Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!

Recorded from an MLW M420W

The ALCO 251 prime mover was the most popular and abundant prime mover ever made by the company. While it proved to be quite successful, it sadly outlived its original manufacturer, ALCO who closed their doors in 1969. The 251 prime mover is actually still available to purchase today from Fairbanks Morse for use in Marine, Generator, and locomotive uses.

The 2000 horsepower 12cyl version of the 251C could be found in the mehr…

GE 16cyl 7FDL Modern  LokSound Nordamerikanische & Australische lokspezifische Geräusche H0 N XL L M4

Kato USA C44-9W and AC4400CW

In the mid 1980's GE changed it's 16cyl FDL design to include a different exhaust silencer, a new electric compressor (often known as the "Whoop compressor") and changed some of the electronics of their locomotives. These differences, among a few others, led to a distinct change in the sounds from the GE 16cyl FDL often found from the U25Bs on through the Dash-7 series of the locomotives. Somewhere along the line, GE also added a "7" to their FDL line of engines mehr…

Walthers EMD SD9  LokSound 5 Nordamerikanische und Australische lokspezifische Geräusche N XL L M4

WalthersProto EMD SD9

90485.1 - CB&Q - Walthers #920-41701, 920-41702
90485.2 - Chicago & Illinois Midland - Walthers #920-41703, 920-41704
90485.3 - Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range - Walthers #920-41705, 920-41706, 920-41707, 920-41708
90485.4 - Great Northern - Walthers #920-41709, 920-41710
90485.5 - Southern Pacific Black Widow - Walthers #920-41711, 920-41712
90485.6 - Southern Pacific Gray - Walthers # 920-41713, 920-41714, 920-41715, 920-41716

The 567 prime mover is a line of mehr…

Walthers EMD E8 / E9  LokSound 5 Nordamerikanische und Australische lokspezifische Geräusche N XL L M4

For Walthers E8 Pennsylvania Railroad
SKU 920-42900, 920-42901, 920-42902, 920-42903, 920-42904, 920-42905,
920-42906, 920-42907

The 567 prime mover is a line of medium-speed diesel engines manufactured by GM Electro-Motive Division. They were used in many EMD locomotives from 1938-1966 when it was replaced by the EMD 645. The 567 proved to be exceptionally successful in passenger, switching, freight, marine and stationary services.

E-units standardized the two engine configuration for mehr…

RhB Gmf 4/4  LokSound V4.0 & LokPilot V4.0 Lokspezifische Projektdateien N XL L M4

Gmf 4/4
Zur Traktion von Bauzügen u.a. zum Bau des Vereina-Tunnels beschaffte die Rhätische Bahn (RhB) 1991 die beiden dieselelektrischen Lokomotiven Gmf 4/4 242 und 243 mit Mittelführerstand. Die von Kaelble-Gmeinder gefertigten Maschinen werden durch einen 592 kW starken 12-Zylinder-Motor 3412 DI-TA von Caterpillar angetrieben und erreichen eine Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 60 km/h.

ALCO 12cyl 251B (FT)  LokSound Nordamerikanische & Australische lokspezifische Geräusche H0 N XL L M4

Atlas RS-11
Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!
MUST use LokProgrammer Version 4.4.21 or newer

The ALCO 251 prime mover was the most popular and abundant prime mover ever made by the company. While it proved to be quite successful, it sadly outlived its original manufacturer, ALCO who closed their doors in 1969. The 251 prime mover is actually still available to purchase today from Fairbanks Morse for use in Marine, Generator, and locomotive uses.

The 1800 horsepower 12cyl version of mehr…

BR 216 / V160  LokSound 5 Lokspezifische Geräusche N XL L M4

V160 der DB Serienlok
Nach neun Vorserienloks der dieselhydraulischen Baureihe V160 mit aufwändig zu fertigender runder Front (Spitzname Lollo, nach der italienischen Filmschauspielerin Gina Lollobrigida) fertigte Henschel 1963 die letzte Vorserienlok mit einer kantigen Front, ähnlich der der sechsachsigen V320. Allen Vorserienloks gemein war der Antrieb durch den 16-Zylinder-Dieselmotor Maybach MD 870 (später umbenannt in MTU 16V 538 TB). Die mit einer Dampfheizung ausgestatteten Loks mehr…

BR218  LokSound V4.0 & LokPilot V4.0 Lokspezifische Projektdateien N XL L M4

Die V160-Lokfamilie der Deutschen Bundesbahn (DB) erhielt 1968 Zuwachs durch die Vorserien-Exemplare der Baureihen 215 und 218, die größtenteils mit einem MAN-Motor V6V 23/23 TL ausgerüstet waren. Nach Zusammenschluss der Motorenfabrikation von MAN, Maybach und Mercedes zur Motoren-Turbinen-Union (MTU) änderte sich die Bezeichnung in MTU 12V 956 TB10. Den Motor trugen oder tragen noch heute 218 001 bis 012 und 218 101 bis 194, 218 242 bis 288. Bei 218 198 bis 241, 289 bis 298 wurde der Motor mehr…