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Walthers EMD SD9  LokSound 5 North American & Australian factory Equipped Sound files N XL L M4

WalthersProto EMD SD9

90485.1 - CB&Q - Walthers #920-41701, 920-41702
90485.2 - Chicago & Illinois Midland - Walthers #920-41703, 920-41704
90485.3 - Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range - Walthers #920-41705, 920-41706, 920-41707, 920-41708
90485.4 - Great Northern - Walthers #920-41709, 920-41710
90485.5 - Southern Pacific Black Widow - Walthers #920-41711, 920-41712
90485.6 - Southern Pacific Gray - Walthers # 920-41713, 920-41714, 920-41715, 920-41716

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