Bulletin: BR 38 / P8

Manufacturer: Tillig, Item number: 94809, Version: V2-R1

The Prussian P8 locos probably is the best known German steam loco ever. At nearly any German territory P8 (later BR 38.10-40) locos had been used often for more than 50 years. The dependable two cylinder locos delivered 1180 HP and reached a maximum speed of 100 km/h. After WW II 1200 locos stayed at DB, another 700 at DR. P8 also had been used in Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Austria, Poland, Rumania, Czechoslovakia and Turkeye.

KeyFunctionsSound slotsVolume CVsVolume values
F0Front light, dynamo1940335
F1Sound on/off1, 2, 24259, 267, 443128, 128, 80
F2medium pitched whistle3275128
F3short whistle16379128
F6Acceleration/brake time, Shuting Mode/Shunting speed
F7curve squeal on/off1537175
F8dynamo off/on
F9blow out9323128
F10conductors signal1033165
F11coupler sound8315110
F13brake set1335580
F14station announcement #1730780
F15coal shoveling529150
F16safety valve12347128
F17rail clank sound on/off1738780
F19deactivate brake squeal sound
F20station announcement #21839590
F21water pump2141963
F24station announcement #32343590

Make sure that index CV31 is set to 16 and index CV32 is set to 1 before changing a volume CV.