Bulletin: E44/BR144 / E44.5/BR144.5

Manufacturer: ESU, Item number: S0070, Version: V1-R1

In 1932 German Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft DRG received 1st of 174 samples of four-axle electric loco E44. The four motors delivered 2200 kW and enabled the E44 to reach a maximum speed of 90 km/h. The reliable locos rested in service at DB until 1985, last DR locos quitted service in 1991. For electric service on Bavarian mountain line Freilassing – Berchtesgaden DRG ordered eight samples of electric E44.5. The four-axle four-motor loco developed 2000 kW and reached a maximum speed of 90 km/h

KeyFunctionsSound slotsVolume CVsVolume values
F1sound on/off1, 2, 5, 23259, 267, 291, 4350, 128, 100, 95
F4fans on/off while standing
F5station announcement #118395128
F6acceleration/brake time, shunting mode/shunting speed
F7curve squeal15371100
F9compressed air let off9323128
F10conductor's signal10331110
F11coupler clank8315128
F12radio conversation #11940380
F13set/release brake1335595
F14station announcement #27307128
F15short whistle signal16379128
F16open/close door12347100
F17rail clank17387100
F18station announcement #314363128
F19radio conversation #2 (shunting distance)2242780
F20pantograph up/down2041195
F21radio conversation #32444380
F22set/release hand brake2141980
F24sound fader
F25disable brake squeal sound

Make sure that index CV31 is set to 16 and index CV32 is set to 1 before changing a volume CV.