Bulletin: BR94.5 pr.T16.1

Manufacturer: ESU, Item number: S0267, Version: V1-R1

Prussian T16.1 had been one of the most important steam locomotives for short freight and heavy switching duty. The two cylinder loco delivered 1070 HP and reached a maximum speed of 60 km/h. Some locos received a Riggenbach-brake for the use on very steep grades.

KeyFunctionsSound slotsVolume CVsVolume values
F0front light194034
F1sound on/off1, 2, 24259, 267, 443128, 128, 85
F4coal shoveling529125
F5heavy load
F6acceleration/brake time, shunting mode/shunting speed
F7curve squeal1537150
F9cylinder blow off932380
F10conductor's signal1033150
F11coupler clank831570
F13brake set/release (automatically)1335540
F14station announcement #17307128
F15ESU smoke generator
F16safety valve12347128
F17rail clank1738735
F18station announcement #222427128
F19water pump2141985
F21water refill1839570
F23turbo generator sound off/on
F24air pump629925
F25sanding valve1133935
F26riggenbach back pressure brake1637980
F27sound fader
F28disable brake squeal sound

Make sure that index CV31 is set to 16 and index CV32 is set to 1 before changing a volume CV.