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The EMD 645 series was an evolution of the earlier 567 series and a precursor to the later 710 series. When the 645 prime mover entered production in 1965, a large series of new locomotive models was introduced. The turbocharged version was used in EMD's 40 Series (GP40, SD40 and SD45) in 3,000 horsepower (2,200 kW), sixteen-cylinder form and in 3,600 horsepower (2,700 kW), twenty-cylinder form. EMD also introduced the Roots-blown 38 Series (GP38, SD38) and turbocharged, twelve-cylinder 39 mehr…

EMD 16-567D3 T Ed2 N XL L M4

The 567 prime mover is a line of medium-speed diesel engines manufactured by GM Electro-Motive Division. They were used in many EMD locomotives from 1938-1966 when it was replaced by the EMD 645. The 567 proved to be exceptionally successful in passenger, switching, freight, marine and stationary services. The 16 cylinder 567D3 variation was used in the following...


GP30, SD24

Although the following locomotives do not have a 567D3, they are in the 567D family and this sound file mehr…

Dual GE 16-FDL16 2EXH N XL L M4

The GE FDL-16 prime mover was first used in 1959 in the General Electric U25B locomotive. Over the years little changed in terms of sound until the "Dash-8" series of GE locomotives was introduced. Known for their throaty chug and shaft driven compressor (rather than the more modern “Whoop” electric compressor).

Essentially 2 U25Bs built on a single frame, the U50 was designed to replace the turbines on UP. Using scrapped Turbine frames 2 FDL 16 Prime movers were put together creating a 5000 mehr…


The EMD 645 series was an evolution of the earlier 567 series and a precursor to the later 710 series. When the 645 prime mover entered production in 1965, a large series of new locomotive models was introduced. The turbocharged version was used in EMD's 40 Series (GP40, SD40 and SD45) in 3,000 horsepower (2,200 kW), sixteen-cylinder form and in 3,600 horsepower (2,700 kW), twenty-cylinder form. EMD also introduced the Roots-blown 38 Series (GP38, SD38) and turbocharged, twelve-cylinder 39 mehr…

EMD 12-567B 2EXH NT N XL L M4

The EMD 567 family of Prime Mover was one of the most widely used in the world! From F-Units to Geeps this popular power house can still be found in many locomotives riding the rails today. Our EMD 12cyl version of the 567A would be appropriate for the following locomotives:

NW2, NW3, NW5, TR2, TR3, TR4, SW7

And others.....

While the recording is from a 567A many 12cyl 567B and 567C equipped locos sounded very similar.

SW9, RS1325, SW1200, SW1200RS, GMD1, LWT12 (Aerotrain)

Recorded from a mehr…

ALCO 12-251B N XL L M4

The ALCO 251 prime mover was the most popular and abundant prime mover ever made by the company. While it proved to be quite successful, it sadly outlived its original manufacturer, ALCO who closed their doors in 1969. The 251 prime mover is actually still available to purchase today from Fairbanks Morse for use in Marine, Generator, and locomotive uses.

The 1800 horsepower 12cyl version of the 251B could be found in the following locomotives:

RS-11, RSD-12, RS-18, RS-36, FPA-4, FPB-4, mehr…

EMD 12-567A 2EXH NT N XL L M4

The EMD 567 family of Prime Mover was one of the most widely used in the world! From F-Units to Geeps this popular power house can still be found in many locomotives riding the rails today. Our EMD 12cyl version of the 567A would be appropriate for the following locomotives:

NW2, NW3, NW5, TR2, TR3, TR4, SW7

And others.....

While the recording is from a 567A many 12cyl 567B and 567C equipped locos sounded very similar.

SW9, RS1325, SW1200, SW1200RS, GMD1, LWT12 (Aerotrain)

Recorded from a mehr…

EMD 16-645E3B LATE EXH T Ed3 N XL L M4

The EMD 645 series engine was an evolution of the earlier 567 series and a precursor to the later 710 series. When the 645 prime mover entered production in 1965, a large series of new locomotive models were introduced. The turbocharged version was used in EMD's 40 Series (GP40, SD40 and SD45) in 3,000 horsepower (2,200 kW), sixteen-cylinder form and in 3,600 horsepower (2,700 kW), twenty-cylinder form. EMD also introduced the Roots-blown 38 Series (GP38, SD38) and turbocharged, twelve-cylinder mehr…

BLW 6-606SC N XL L M4

Baldwin 606SC and 606A Prime Movers were used in quite a few Baldwin prototypes: DS-4-4-1000, RS-12, S-12, DRS-6-4-1000, DRS-4-4-1000, DR-6-2-1000, DT-6-6-2000, RT-624, DR-6-4-2000, DR-6-2-1000.
Though not quite correct the 606SC/606A Prime Mover sounds very similar to the 608SC/608A Prime movers This would be appropriate for: DRS-6-4-1500, DRS-4-4-1500, DRS-6-6-1500, AS-416, AS-16, AS-616, DR-6-4-1500, DR-4-4-1500 and the RF-16(Sharknose).

Recorded from a BLW DS-4-4-1000-SC

File also mehr…

BLW Dual 6-606SC N XL L M4

Baldwin 6 cylinder 606SC with Dual Prime Movers

Locomotives: DT-6-6-2000 - CenterCab Transfer Units, Baldwin Demo, ATSF, EJ&E, Cotton Belt, DSS&A, MN&S, Trona DR-6-4-2000 - Six axle Sharks, PRR -Classified as BP-20s

File also contains an "Isolation Switch" Mode on F15 when Standing Still.
Pressing F15 while not moving will lower the prime mover and lock the motor. F15 must be turned off to begin moving.

Another Mode is "Reverser In Center Position". When pressing F24 while stopped, the mehr…