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Baldwin 606SC and 606A Prime Movers were used in quite a few Baldwin prototypes.
DS-4-4-1000, RS-12, S-12, DRS-6-4-1000, DRS-4-4-1000, DR-6-2-1000, DT-6-6-2000, RT-624, DR-6-4-2000, DR-6-2-1000.
Though not quite correct the 606SC/606A Prime Mover sounds very similar to the 608SC/608A Prime movers This would be appropriate for:
DRS-6-4-1500, DRS-4-4-1500, DRS-6-6-1500, AS-416, AS-16, AS-616, DR-6-4-1500, DR-4-4-1500 and the RF-16(Sharknose).
Recorded from a BLW DS-4-4-1000-SC
This project is a normal idle version. It is an air throttle version. It has a single exhaust stack.
File also contains an "Isolation Switch" Mode on F15 when Standing Still.
Pressing F15 while not moving will lower the prime mover and lock the motor. F15 must be turned off to begin moving.
Another Mode is "Reverser In Center Position". When pressing F24 while stopped, the motor will lock so you can throttle through the notches like the prototype in neutral. F24 must be turned off to begin moving.
This project has "Run 8" mode. When turning on F26 with F28 off, the prime mover goes to run 8. Turning off F26 returns the prime mover sounds back to normal mode.
This project has "Coast" mode. When turning on F27 with F28 off, the prime mover goes to idle for coasting purposes. Turning off F27 returns the prime mover sounds back to normal mode.
You can still use F26 and F27 for manual notching. You have to keep both F26 and F27 off before pressing F28 to turn on manual notching. Once F28 is on, you can use F26 to notch up and F27 to notch down. F26, F27, and F28 must be turned off to return to normal mode.
This project has "Load" mode. When turning on F29 with F15, F24, F26, F27, F28 off, the prime mover goes into load mode. While you are using load mode, the prime mover will notch up 1 or more notches based on primary load settings(CV104). The throttle notches up using speed instead of requested speed while using the load feature. F29 must be turned off to return to normal mode.
Prime mover volume selection mode. By default the prime mover has volume dynamics. Meaning idle is soft while notch 8 is loud. This is very prototypical. The next option is volume maxed out. Meaning idle and notch 8 are the same volume. This is more suitable for people who like it loud.
Change the sound configuration of the prime mover sound slot 1
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 1
CV263 = 0 Prime Mover Dynamic Volume Control
CV263 = 1 Prime Mover Max Volume
1st Generation Switcher Horn Pack 3
Horns (SoundCV9):
CV163=0 Hancock 4700 Whistle
CV163=1 Hancock 4700 Whistle Ed2
CV163=2 Wabco E-2
CV163=3 Wabco E-2 Ed2
CV163=4 Wabco A-2
CV163=5 Leslie A-75
CV163=6 Leslie A-75 Ed2
CV163=7 Leslie A-125
CV163=8 Leslie A-200
CV163=9 Leslie A-200 Ed2
CV163=10 Leslie S-25
CV163=11 Leslie S-31
CV163=12 Leslie S-2M-RB
CV163=13 Leslie S-2M Ed2
CV163=14 Leslie S-3L
CV163=15 Leslie S-3L Ed2
Baldwin Bell Template Pack 1
Bells (SoundCV10):
CV164=0 Baldwin Brass Bell 001
CV164=1 UKM B443 Steel Bell 005
Auto Bell:
Many Second and Third Generation locomotives have been fitted with an Automatic Bell that is triggered when the horn is blown. In MANY cases this cannot even be bypassed on modern locos. Before the FRA mandated this feature on new locomotives the bell was of course turned on and off separately. Some locomotives were delivered with a manual bell and have been converted to an automatic bell. This creates a challenge in sound file creation.
We realize that not every loco with a particular prime mover had this feature. As such we have built in an option to turn the feature on and off. We will set the default in the file to be what is most appropriate for the particular file.
To turn the feature OFF - Auto Bell OFF:
1. Remove the Auto bell sound slot from the function mapping chart
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 8
CV311 = 4
2. Change the sound configuration of the Auto bell sound slot
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 1
CV287 = 0
To turn the feature ON - Auto Bell ON:
1. ADD the Auto bell sound slot from the function mapping chart
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 8
CV311 = 12
2. Change the sound configuration of the Auto bell sound slot
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 1
CV287 = 1
Auto Bell Timer:
The Bell timer is amount of time the bell will play after the horn if the auto timer is active. The timer is broken down into 1/4 of a second increments.
CV169=4 - 1 Second
CV169=8 - 2 Seconds
CV169=12 - 3 Seconds
CV169=16 - 4 Seconds
CV169=20 - 5 Seconds - Default
Switcher Brake Squeal Template Pack 1
Brake Squeal (SoundCV11)
CV165=0 Composition Shoe #1
CV166=1 Cast Iron Shoe #1
ALCO Air Dryer Template Pack 1
Air Dryer (SoundCV12)
CV166=0 S-1 Air Dryer 1
CV166=1 C-425 Air Dryer 1
CV166=2 RS-18 Air Dryer 1
CV166=3 RS-18 Air Dryer 2
S0547 - Release Notes
V-10 R-6:
- description mispelling fix
- description brake squeal error fix
- soundslot brake squeal spelling mistake
- remastered prime mover
- new horn pack "1st Generation Switcher Horn Pack 3" Hide description more…
Baldwin 6 cylinder 606SC with Dual Prime Movers
DT-6-6-2000 - CenterCab Transfer Units, Baldwin Demo, ATSF, EJ&E, Cotton Belt, DSS&A, MN&S, Trona
DR-6-4-2000 - Six axle Sharks, PRR -Classified as BP-20s
This project is a normal idle version. It is an air throttle version. It has single exhaust stacks per motor.
File also contains an "Isolation Switch" Mode on F15 when Standing Still.
Pressing F15 while not moving will lower the prime mover and lock the motor. F15 must be turned off to begin moving.
Another Mode is "Reverser In Center Position". When pressing F24 while stopped, the motor will lock so you can throttle through the notches like the prototype in neutral. F24 must be turned off to begin moving.
This project has "Run 8" mode. When turning on F26 with F28 off, the prime mover goes to run 8. Turning off F26 returns the prime mover sounds back to normal mode.
This project has "Coast" mode. When turning on F27 with F28 off, the prime mover goes to idle for coasting purposes. Turning off F27 returns the prime mover sounds back to normal mode.
You can still use F26 and F27 for manual notching. You have to keep both F26 and F27 off before pressing F28 to turn on manual notching. Once F28 is on, you can use F26 to notch up and F27 to notch down. F26, F27, and F28 must be turned off to return to normal mode.
This project has "Load" mode. When turning on F29 with F15, F24, F26, F27, F28 off, the prime mover goes into load mode. While you are using load mode, the prime mover will notch up 1 or more notches based on primary load settings(CV104). The throttle notches up using speed instead of requested speed while using the load feature. F29 must be turned off to return to normal mode.
Prime mover volume selection mode. By default the prime mover has volume dynamics. Meaning idle is soft while notch 8 is loud. This is very prototypical. The next option is volume maxed out. Meaning idle and notch 8 are the same volume. This is more suitable for people who like it loud.
Change the sound configuration of the prime mover sound slot 1
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 1
CV263 = 0 Prime Mover Dynamic Volume Control
CV263 = 1 Prime Mover Max Volume
1st Generation Switcher Horn Pack 3
Horns (SoundCV9):
CV163=0 Hancock 4700 Whistle
CV163=1 Hancock 4700 Whistle Ed2
CV163=2 Wabco E-2
CV163=3 Wabco E-2 Ed2
CV163=4 Wabco A-2
CV163=5 Leslie A-75
CV163=6 Leslie A-75 Ed2
CV163=7 Leslie A-125
CV163=8 Leslie A-200
CV163=9 Leslie A-200 Ed2
CV163=10 Leslie S-25
CV163=11 Leslie S-31
CV163=12 Leslie S-2M-RB
CV163=13 Leslie S-2M Ed2
CV163=14 Leslie S-3L
CV163=15 Leslie S-3L Ed2
Baldwin Bell Template Pack 1
Bells (SoundCV10):
CV164=0 Baldwin Brass Bell 001
CV164=1 UKM B443 Steel Bell 005
Auto Bell:
Many Second and Third Generation locomotives have been fitted with an Automatic Bell that is triggered when the horn is blown. In MANY cases this cannot even be bypassed on modern locos. Before the FRA mandated this feature on new locomotives the bell was of course turned on and off separately. Some locomotives were delivered with a manual bell and have been converted to an automatic bell. This creates a challenge in sound file creation.
We realize that not every loco with a particular prime mover had this feature. As such we have built in an option to turn the feature on and off. We will set the default in the file to be what is most appropriate for the particular file.
To turn the feature OFF - Auto Bell OFF:
1. Remove the Auto bell sound slot from the function mapping chart
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 8
CV311 = 4
2. Change the sound configuration of the Auto bell sound slot
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 1
CV287 = 0
To turn the feature ON - Auto Bell ON:
1. ADD the Auto bell sound slot from the function mapping chart
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 8
CV311 = 12
2. Change the sound configuration of the Auto bell sound slot
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 1
CV287 = 1
Auto Bell Timer:
The Bell timer is amount of time the bell will play after the horn if the auto timer is active. The timer is broken down into 1/4 of a second increments.
CV169=4 - 1 Second
CV169=8 - 2 Seconds
CV169=12 - 3 Seconds
CV169=16 - 4 Seconds
CV169=20 - 5 Seconds - Default
Switcher Brake Squeal Template Pack 1
Brake Squeal (SoundCV11)
CV165=0 Composition Shoe #1
CV166=1 Cast Iron Shoe #1
ALCO Air Dryer Template Pack 1
Air Dryer (SoundCV12)
CV166=0 S-1 Air Dryer 1
CV166=1 C-425 Air Dryer 1
CV166=2 RS-18 Air Dryer 1
CV166=3 RS-18 Air Dryer 2
S0702 - Release Notes
V-5 R-5:
- description mispelling fix
- description brake squeal error fix
- soundslot brake squeal spelling mistake
- remastered prime mover
- new horn pack "1st Generation Switcher Horn Pack 3" Hide description more…
The ALCO 251 prime mover was the most popular and abundant prime mover ever made by the company. While it proved to be quite successful, it sadly outlived its original manufacturer, ALCO who closed their doors in 1969. The 251 prime mover is actually still available to purchase today from Fairbanks Morse for use in Marine, Generator, and locomotive uses.
The 1800 horsepower 12cyl version of the 251B could be found in the following locomotives:
RS-11, RSD-12, RS-18, RS-36, FPA-4, FPB-4, RSC-14, FD-6, FD-7, FD-9, RSD-16, DL-560, 44 Class, 930 Class
The 2000 Horsepower 12cyl 251C version was extremely close to 251B in the way that is sounded. The 12cyl 251C can be found in the following Locomotives:
RS-32, C420, M420, M420B, M420R, M420TR, HR-412, M424, 45 Class, 442 Class, 600 Class, 700 Class, A-321
The 12cyl 251 was also used in many rebuilt locomotives including:
RS-3m, C424m, and others...
Recorded from a ALCO RS-11
This project is a normal idle version. It has a single exhaust stack.
File also contains an "Isolation Switch" Mode on F15 when Standing Still.
Pressing F15 while not moving will lower the prime mover and lock the motor. F15 must be turned off to begin moving.
Another Mode is "Reverser In Center Position". When pressing F24 while stopped, the motor will lock so you can throttle through the notches like the prototype in neutral. F24 must be turned off to begin moving.
This project has "Run 8" mode. When turning on F26 with F28 off, the prime mover goes to run 8. Turning off F26 returns the prime mover sounds back to normal mode.
This project has "Coast" mode. When turning on F27 with F28 off, the prime mover goes to idle for coasting purposes. Turning off F27 returns the prime mover sounds back to normal mode.
You can still use F26 and F27 for manual notching. You have to keep both F26 and F27 off before pressing F28 to turn on manual notching. Once F28 is on, you can use F26 to notch up and F27 to notch down. F26, F27, and F28 must be turned off to return to normal mode.
This project has "Load" mode. When turning on F29 with F15, F24, F26, F27, F28 off, the prime mover goes into load mode. While you are using load mode, the prime mover will notch up 1 or more notches based on primary load settings(CV104). The throttle notches up using speed instead of requested speed while using the load feature. F29 must be turned off to return to normal mode.
Prime mover volume selection mode. By default the prime mover has volume dynamics. Meaning idle is soft while notch 8 is loud. This is very prototypical. The next option is volume maxed out. Meaning idle and notch 8 are the same volume. This is more suitable for people who like it loud.
Change the sound configuration of the prime mover sound slot 1
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 1
CV263 = 0 Prime Mover Dynamic Volume Control
CV263 = 1 Prime Mover Max Volume
1st Generation Horn Pack 3
Horns (SoundCV9):
CV163=0 Leslie RS-3L
CV163=1 Leslie RS-5T-RRO
CV163=2 Leslie S-3K-R
CV163=3 Leslie SU-3L-LR
CV163=4 Nathan K-3H
CV163=5 Nathan K-3L
CV163=6 Nathan K-3LA
CV163=7 Nathan K-5H
CV163=8 Nathan K-5LA-R23
CV163=9 Nathan K-5LA-R24
CV163=10 Nathan P-2
CV163=11 Nathan P-3
CV163=12 Nathan P-5
CV163=13 Nathan P-5A
CV163=14 Nathan P-5-R24
ALCO Bell Template Pack 2
Bells (SoundCV10):
CV164=0 ALCO Bronze Bell 001
CV164=1 ALCO Bronze Bell 002
CV164=2 ALCO Bronze Bell 008
CV164=3 ALCO Bronze Bell 011
CV164=4 Transtronic E-Bell 001
Auto Bell:
Many Second and Third Generation locomotives have been fitted with an Automatic Bell that is triggered when the horn is blown. In MANY cases this cannot even be bypassed on modern locos. Before the FRA mandated this feature on new locomotives the bell was of course turned on and off separately. Some locomotives were delivered with a manual bell and have been converted to an automatic bell. This creates a challenge in sound file creation.
We realize that not every loco with a particular prime mover had this feature. As such we have built in an option to turn the feature on and off. We will set the default in the file to be what is most appropriate for the particular file.
To turn the feature OFF - Auto Bell OFF:
1. Remove the Auto bell sound slot from the function mapping chart
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 8
CV311 = 4
2. Change the sound configuration of the Auto bell sound slot
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 1
CV287 = 0
To turn the feature ON - Auto Bell ON:
1. ADD the Auto bell sound slot from the function mapping chart
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 8
CV311 = 12
2. Change the sound configuration of the Auto bell sound slot
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 1
CV287 = 1
Auto Bell Timer:
The Bell timer is amount of time the bell will play after the horn if the auto timer is active. The timer is broken down into 1/4 of a second increments.
CV169=4 - 1 Second
CV169=8 - 2 Seconds
CV169=12 - 3 Seconds
CV169=16 - 4 Seconds
CV169=20 - 5 Seconds - Default
1st Generation Brake Squeal Template Pack 1
Brake Squeal (SoundCV11)
CV165=0 Composition Shoe #1
CV165=1 Cast Iron Shoe #1
ALCO Air Dryer Template Pack 2
Air Dryer (SoundCV12)
CV166=0 RS-18 Air Dryer 3
CV166=1 RS-18 Air Dryer 4
CV166=2 RS-18 Air Dryer 5
CV166=3 C-425 Air Dryer 2
S0807 - Release Notes
V-2 R-2:
- description mispelling fix
- description brake squeal error fix
- soundslot brake squeal spelling mistake
- remastered prime mover
Hide description more…
The EMD 645 family of diesel engines were designed and manufactured by the Electro-Motive Division of General Motors. The 645 series was an evolution of the earlier 567 series and a precursor to the later 710 series. The 645 series engines entered production in 1965. All 645 engines utilize forced induction, with either a Roots blower or a turbocharger. The 645 series has a maximum engine speed of between 900 and 950 revolutions per minute (rpm), an increase over the 800 to 900 rpm maximum speed for the 567 series.
Our 12cyl 645E variation is appropriate for the following locomotives:
GP15-1, GP15AC, SW-1500, SW-1504, MP15AC, MP15DC
Recorded from a EMD SW1500
This project is a normal idle version. It has switcher type exhaust with 2 exhaust stacks.
File also contains an "Isolation Switch" Mode on F15 when Standing Still.
Pressing F15 while not moving will lower the prime mover and lock the motor. F15 must be turned off to begin moving.
Another Mode is "Reverser In Center Position". When pressing F24 while stopped, the motor will lock so you can throttle through the notches like the prototype in neutral. F24 must be turned off to begin moving.
This project has "Run 8" mode. When turning on F26 with F28 off, the prime mover goes to run 8. Turning off F26 returns the prime mover sounds back to normal mode.
This project has "Coast" mode. When turning on F27 with F28 off, the prime mover goes to idle for coasting purposes. Turning off F27 returns the prime mover sounds back to normal mode.
You can still use F26 and F27 for manual notching. You have to keep both F26 and F27 off before pressing F28 to turn on manual notching. Once F28 is on, you can use F26 to notch up and F27 to notch down. F26, F27, and F28 must be turned off to return to normal mode.
This project has "Load" mode. When turning on F29 with F15, F24, F26, F27, F28 off, the prime mover goes into load mode. While you are using load mode, the prime mover will notch up 1 or more notches based on primary load settings(CV104). The throttle notches up using speed instead of requested speed while using the load feature. F29 must be turned off to return to normal mode.
Prime mover volume selection mode. By default the prime mover has volume dynamics. Meaning idle is soft while notch 8 is loud. This is very prototypical. The next option is volume maxed out. Meaning idle and notch 8 are the same volume. This is more suitable for people who like it loud.
Change the sound configuration of the prime mover sound slot 1
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 1
CV263 = 0 Prime Mover Dynamic Volume Control
CV263 = 1 Prime Mover Max Volume
This file is also equipped with a Smart Start feature that cycles the prime mover on and off at intervals of your choice if the throttle is left at Idle and the loco is stopped.
Smart Start (Sound CV14):
CV168=0 No Smart Start Cycle - Default
CV168=1 - 1 Minute Cycle Engine On & 1 Minute Cycle Engine Off
CV168=2 - 2 Minute Cylcle Engine On & 2 Minute Cycle Engine Off
CV168=3 - 3 Minute Cylcle Engine On & 3 Minute Cycle Engine Off
CV168=4 - 4 Minute Cylcle Engine On & 4 Minute Cycle Engine Off
CV168=255 - 255 Minute Cycle
2nd Generation Switcher Horn Pack 1
Horns (SoundCV9):
CV163=0 Leslie A-125
CV163=1 Leslie S-25
CV163=2 Leslie S-3K-R
CV163=3 Leslie S-3L-R
CV163=4 Leslie S-5T-R
CV163=5 Nathan K-3L
CV163=6 Nathan K-3LA
CV163=7 Nathan K-5LA
CV163=8 Nathan M-3H
CV163=9 Nathan P-3
CV163=10 Nathan P-5
CV163=11 Prime PM-920
CV163=12 Prime PM-990
EMD 2nd Generation Switcher Bell Template Pack 1
Bells (SoundCV10):
CV164=0 EMD 8475495 Steel Bell 008
CV164=1 EMD 8004156 Bronze Bell 006
CV164=2 EMD 8004156 Bronze Bell 033
CV164=3 EMD 8004156 Bronze Bell 036
CV164=4 Graham-White E-Bell 007
Auto Bell:
Many Second and Third Generation locomotives have been fitted with an Automatic Bell that is triggered when the horn is blown. In MANY cases this cannot even be bypassed on modern locos. Before the FRA mandated this feature on new locomotives the bell was of course turned on and off separately. Some locomotives were delivered with a manual bell and have been converted to an automatic bell. This creates a challenge in sound file creation.
We realize that not every loco with a particular prime mover had this feature. As such we have built in an option to turn the feature on and off. We will set the default in the file to be what is most appropriate for the particular file.
To turn the feature OFF - Auto Bell OFF:
1. Remove the Auto bell sound slot from the function mapping chart
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 8
CV311 = 4
2. Change the sound configuration of the Auto bell sound slot
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 1
CV287 = 0
To turn the feature ON - Auto Bell ON:
1. ADD the Auto bell sound slot from the function mapping chart
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 8
CV311 = 12
2. Change the sound configuration of the Auto bell sound slot
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 1
CV287 = 1
Auto Bell Timer:
The Bell timer is amount of time the bell will play after the horn if the auto timer is active. The timer is broken down into 1/4 of a second increments.
CV169=4 - 1 Second
CV169=8 - 2 Seconds
CV169=12 - 3 Seconds
CV169=16 - 4 Seconds
CV169=20 - 5 Seconds - Default
Switcher Brake Squeal Template Pack 1
Brake Squeal (SoundCV11)
CV165=0 Composition Shoe
CV165=1 Cast Iron Shoe
EMD 2nd Generation Switcher Air Dryer Template Pack 1
Air Dryer (SoundCV12)
CV166=0 SW1500 Air Dryer 1
CV166=1 SW1500 Air Dryer 2
CV166=2 SW1500 Air Dryer 3
CV166=3 MP15DC Air Dryer 4
S0733 - Release Notes
V-4 R-4:
- description mispelling fix
- description brake squeal error fix
- soundslot brake squeal spelling mistake
- remastered prime mover
- smart start timer fix Hide description more…
The GE FDL-16 prime mover was first used in 1959 in the General Electric U25B locomotive. Over the years little changed in terms of sound until the "Dash-8" series of GE locomotives was introduced. Known for their throaty chug and shaft driven compressor (rather than the more modern “Whoop” electric compressor). There was an interim period following the "U Boats" that began the era in GE called the "Dash-7s". During this time many locos started receiving exhaust silencers and the shape of the exhaust changed to the "Bathtub" type. This created a subtle change in sound. The following GE locomotives used the 16cyl FDL prime mover with this type of configuration.
B30-7, B36-7, C30-7, C36-7, and others.
The following locomotives would use early 16cyl FDL configurations, but this file would work for them as it is very close. Check your prototype as some of the later “U boats” were upgraded with more modern exhausts.
U25B, U28B, U30B, U33B, U36B, U25C, U28C, U28CG, U30C, U30CG, P30CH, U34CH, U33C, U36C
Recorded from a GE C30-7
This project is a normal idle version. It has a single early exhaust stack.
File also contains an "Isolation Switch" Mode on F15 when Standing Still.
Pressing F15 while not moving will lower the prime mover and lock the motor. F15 must be turned off to begin moving.
Another Mode is "Reverser In Center Position". When pressing F24 while stopped, the motor will lock so you can throttle through the notches like the prototype in neutral. F24 must be turned off to begin moving.
This project has "Run 8" mode. When turning on F26 with F28 off, the prime mover goes to run 8. Turning off F26 returns the prime mover sounds back to normal mode.
This project has "Coast" mode. When turning on F27 with F28 off, the prime mover goes to idle for coasting purposes. Turning off F27 returns the prime mover sounds back to normal mode.
You can still use F26 and F27 for manual notching. You have to keep both F26 and F27 off before pressing F28 to turn on manual notching. Once F28 is on, you can use F26 to notch up and F27 to notch down. F26, F27, and F28 must be turned off to return to normal mode.
This project has "Load" mode. When turning on F29 with F15, F24, F26, F27, F28 off, the prime mover goes into load mode. While you are using load mode, the prime mover will notch up 1 or more notches based on primary load settings(CV104). The throttle notches up using speed instead of requested speed while using the load feature. F29 must be turned off to return to normal mode.
Prime mover volume selection mode. By default the prime mover has volume dynamics. Meaning idle is soft while notch 8 is loud. This is very prototypical. The next option is volume maxed out. Meaning idle and notch 8 are the same volume. This is more suitable for people who like it loud.
Change the sound configuration of the prime mover sound slot 1
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 1
CV263 = 0 Prime Mover Dynamic Volume Control
CV263 = 1 Prime Mover Max Volume
2nd Generation Horn Pack 1
Horns (SoundCV9):
CV163=0 Leslie S-3K-R
CV163=1 Leslie RS-3L-R
CV163=2 Leslie S-5T-F
CV163=3 Leslie S-5T-R
CV163=4 Nathan K-3H
CV163=5 Nathan K-3L
CV163=6 Nathan K-3LA
CV163=7 Nathan K-5H
CV163=8 Nathan K-5LA
CV163=9 Nathan K-5LA-R24
CV163=10 Nathan M-3
CV163=11 Nathan M-3H
CV163=12 Nathan P-3
CV163=13 Nathan P-5-R24
GE Dash 7 Bell Template Pack 2
Bells (SoundCV10):
CV164=0 GE M 6731022A Steel Bell 011
CV164=1 GE M 6731022A Steel Bell 014
CV164=2 GE M 6731022A Steel Bell 023
CV164=3 GE M 6731022A Steel Bell 024
Auto Bell:
Many Second and Third Generation locomotives have been fitted with an Automatic Bell that is triggered when the horn is blown. In MANY cases this cannot even be bypassed on modern locos. Before the FRA mandated this feature on new locomotives the bell was of course turned on and off separately. Some locomotives were delivered with a manual bell and have been converted to an automatic bell. This creates a challenge in sound file creation.
We realize that not every loco with a particular prime mover had this feature. As such we have built in an option to turn the feature on and off. We will set the default in the file to be what is most appropriate for the particular file.
To turn the feature OFF - Auto Bell OFF:
1. Remove the Auto bell sound slot from the function mapping chart
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 8
CV311 = 4
2. Change the sound configuration of the Auto bell sound slot
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 1
CV287 = 0
To turn the feature ON - Auto Bell ON:
1. ADD the Auto bell sound slot from the function mapping chart
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 8
CV311 = 12
2. Change the sound configuration of the Auto bell sound slot
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 1
CV287 = 1
Auto Bell Timer:
The Bell timer is amount of time the bell will play after the horn if the auto timer is active. The timer is broken down into 1/4 of a second increments.
CV169=4 - 1 Second
CV169=8 - 2 Seconds
CV169=12 - 3 Seconds
CV169=16 - 4 Seconds
CV169=20 - 5 Seconds - Default
2nd Generation Brake Squeal Template Pack 1
Brake Squeal (SoundCV11)
CV165=0 Composition Shoe
CV165=1 Cast Iron Shoe
GE Dash 7 Air Dryer Template Pack 1
Air Dryer (SoundCV12)
CV166=0 B36-7 Air Dryer 1
CV166=1 B30-7 Air Dryer 1
CV166=2 C30-7 Air Dryer 1
CV166=3 C30-7 Air Dryer 2
S0812 - Release Notes
V-2 R-2:
- description mispelling fix
- description brake squeal error fix
- soundslot brake squeal spelling mistake
- remastered prime mover
- updated prime mover comment
- prime mover volume selection mode
Hide description more…
The EMD 645 family of diesel engines were designed and manufactured by the Electro-Motive Division of General Motors. The 645 series was an evolution of the earlier 567 series and a precursor to the later 710 series. The 645 series engines entered production in 1965. All 645 engines utilize forced induction, with either a Roots blower or a turbocharger. The 645 series has a maximum engine speed of between 900 and 950 revolutions per minute (rpm), an increase over the 800 to 900 rpm maximum speed for the 567 series.
Our 12cyl 645E variation is appropriate for the following locomotives:
GP15-1, GP15AC, SW-1500, SW-1504, MP15AC, MP15DC
Recorded from a EMD MP15AC
This project is a normal idle version. It has switcher type exhaust with 2 exhaust stacks.
File also contains an "Isolation Switch" Mode on F15 when Standing Still.
Pressing F15 while not moving will lower the prime mover and lock the motor. F15 must be turned off to begin moving.
Another Mode is "Reverser In Center Position". When pressing F24 while stopped, the motor will lock so you can throttle through the notches like the prototype in neutral. F24 must be turned off to begin moving.
This project has "Run 8" mode. When turning on F26 with F28 off, the prime mover goes to run 8. Turning off F26 returns the prime mover sounds back to normal mode.
This project has "Coast" mode. When turning on F27 with F28 off, the prime mover goes to idle for coasting purposes. Turning off F27 returns the prime mover sounds back to normal mode.
You can still use F26 and F27 for manual notching. You have to keep both F26 and F27 off before pressing F28 to turn on manual notching. Once F28 is on, you can use F26 to notch up and F27 to notch down. F26, F27, and F28 must be turned off to return to normal mode.
This project has "Load" mode. When turning on F29 with F15, F24, F26, F27, F28 off, the prime mover goes into load mode. While you are using load mode, the prime mover will notch up 1 or more notches based on primary load settings(CV104). The throttle notches up using speed instead of requested speed while using the load feature. F29 must be turned off to return to normal mode.
Prime mover volume selection mode. By default the prime mover has volume dynamics. Meaning idle is soft while notch 8 is loud. This is very prototypical. The next option is volume maxed out. Meaning idle and notch 8 are the same volume. This is more suitable for people who like it loud.
Change the sound configuration of the prime mover sound slot 1
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 1
CV263 = 0 Prime Mover Dynamic Volume Control
CV263 = 1 Prime Mover Max Volume
This file is also equipped with a Smart Start feature that cycles the prime mover on and off at intervals of your choice if the throttle is left at Idle and the loco is stopped.
Smart Start (Sound CV14):
CV168=0 No Smart Start Cycle - Default
CV168=1 - 1 Minute Cycle Engine On & 1 Minute Cycle Engine Off
CV168=2 - 2 Minute Cylcle Engine On & 2 Minute Cycle Engine Off
CV168=3 - 3 Minute Cylcle Engine On & 3 Minute Cycle Engine Off
CV168=4 - 4 Minute Cylcle Engine On & 4 Minute Cycle Engine Off
CV168=255 - 255 Minute Cycle
2nd Generation Switcher Horn Pack 1
Horns (SoundCV9):
CV163=0 Leslie A-125
CV163=1 Leslie S-25
CV163=2 Leslie S-3K-R
CV163=3 Leslie RS-3L
CV163=4 Leslie S-5T-R
CV163=5 Nathan K-3L
CV163=6 Nathan K-3LA
CV163=7 Nathan K-5LA
CV163=8 Nathan M-3H
CV163=9 Nathan P-3
CV163=10 Nathan P-5
CV163=11 Prime PM-920
CV163=12 Prime PM-990
EMD 2nd Generation Switcher Bell Template Pack 1
Bells (SoundCV10):
CV164=0 EMD 8475495 Steel Bell 008
CV164=1 EMD 8004156 Bronze Bell 006
CV164=2 EMD 8004156 Bronze Bell 033
CV164=3 EMD 8004156 Bronze Bell 036
CV164=4 Graham-White E-Bell 007
Auto Bell:
Many Second and Third Generation locomotives have been fitted with an Automatic Bell that is triggered when the horn is blown. In MANY cases this cannot even be bypassed on modern locos. Before the FRA mandated this feature on new locomotives the bell was of course turned on and off separately. Some locomotives were delivered with a manual bell and have been converted to an automatic bell. This creates a challenge in sound file creation.
We realize that not every loco with a particular prime mover had this feature. As such we have built in an option to turn the feature on and off. We will set the default in the file to be what is most appropriate for the particular file.
To turn the feature OFF - Auto Bell OFF:
1. Remove the Auto bell sound slot from the function mapping chart
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 8
CV311 = 4
2. Change the sound configuration of the Auto bell sound slot
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 1
CV287 = 0
To turn the feature ON - Auto Bell ON:
1. ADD the Auto bell sound slot from the function mapping chart
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 8
CV311 = 12
2. Change the sound configuration of the Auto bell sound slot
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 1
CV287 = 1
Auto Bell Timer:
The Bell timer is amount of time the bell will play after the horn if the auto timer is active. The timer is broken down into 1/4 of a second increments.
CV169=4 - 1 Second
CV169=8 - 2 Seconds
CV169=12 - 3 Seconds
CV169=16 - 4 Seconds
CV169=20 - 5 Seconds - Default
Switcher Brake Squeal Template Pack 1
Brake Squeal (SoundCV11)
CV165=0 Composition Shoe
CV165=1 Cast Iron Shoe
EMD 2nd Generation Switcher Air Dryer Template Pack 1
Air Dryer (SoundCV12)
CV166=0 SW1500 Air Dryer 1
CV166=1 SW1500 Air Dryer 2
CV166=2 SW1500 Air Dryer 3
CV166=3 MP15DC Air Dryer 4
S0828 - Release Notes
V-2 R-2:
- description mispelling fix
- description brake squeal error fix
- soundslot brake squeal spelling mistake
- remastered prime mover
- smart start timer fix Hide description more…
The ALCO 251 prime mover was the most popular and abundant prime mover ever made by the company. While it proved to be quite successful, it sadly outlived its original manufacturer, ALCO who closed their doors in 1969. The 251 prime mover is actually still available to purchase today from Fairbanks Morse for use in Marine, Generator, and locomotive uses.
The 1500 horsepower 8cyl version of the 251F could be found in the following locomotives:
The C415 was a large switcher or small road switcher equipped with a raised cab mounted slightly off-center, with a lower, narrower hood on either side. The longer one contained the diesel engine, a 1,500 hp (1.1 MW) eight-cylinder turbocharged Alco 251-F, while the shorter contained auxiliaries. The C415 could be ordered with three different cab heights; a low one for minimum clearances, a regular height one, and an extra-height one for maximum visibility.
Trucks fitted were either Type B road trucks or ALCO Hi-Ad (high adhesion).
Recorded from a ALCO RS-3
This project is a normal idle version. It has a single exhaust stack.
File also contains an "Isolation Switch" Mode on F15 when Standing Still.
Pressing F15 while not moving will lower the prime mover and lock the motor. F15 must be turned off to begin moving.
Another Mode is "Reverser In Center Position". When pressing F24 while stopped, the motor will lock so you can throttle through the notches like the prototype in neutral. F24 must be turned off to begin moving.
This project has "Run 8" mode. When turning on F26 with F28 off, the prime mover goes to run 8. Turning off F26 returns the prime mover sounds back to normal mode.
This project has "Coast" mode. When turning on F27 with F28 off, the prime mover goes to idle for coasting purposes. Turning off F27 returns the prime mover sounds back to normal mode.
You can still use F26 and F27 for manual notching. You have to keep both F26 and F27 off before pressing F28 to turn on manual notching. Once F28 is on, you can use F26 to notch up and F27 to notch down. F26, F27, and F28 must be turned off to return to normal mode.
This project has "Load" mode. When turning on F29 with F15, F24, F26, F27, F28 off, the prime mover goes into load mode. While you are using load mode, the prime mover will notch up 1 or more notches based on primary load settings(CV104). The throttle notches up using speed instead of requested speed while using the load feature. F29 must be turned off to return to normal mode.
Prime mover volume selection mode. By default the prime mover has volume dynamics. Meaning idle is soft while notch 8 is loud. This is very prototypical. The next option is volume maxed out. Meaning idle and notch 8 are the same volume. This is more suitable for people who like it loud.
Change the sound configuration of the prime mover sound slot 1
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 1
CV263 = 0 Prime Mover Dynamic Volume Control
CV263 = 1 Prime Mover Max Volume
1st Generation Switcher Horn Pack 1
Horns (SoundCV9):
CV163=0 Handcock 4700 Whistle
CV163=1 Leslie A-125
CV163=2 Leslie A-200
CV163=3 Leslie S-25
CV163=4 Leslie S-2M
CV163=5 Leslie S-3K
CV163=6 Leslie S-3L
CV163=7 Nathan M-3
CV163=8 Nathan M-5
CV163=9 Nathan P-2
CV163=10 Nathan P-3-OC
CV163=11 Nathan P-5-OC
CV163=12 Wabco A-2
CV163=13 Wabco AA-2
CV163=14 Wabco E-2
CV163=15 Nathan K-3L
ALCO Bell Template Pack 3
Bells (SoundCV10):
CV164=0 ALCO Bronze Bell 004
CV164=1 ALCO Bronze Bell 007
CV164=2 ALCO Bronze Bell 009
CV164=3 ALCO Bronze Bell 012
CV164=4 ALCO Bronze Bell 013
Auto Bell:
Many Second and Third Generation locomotives have been fitted with an Automatic Bell that is triggered when the horn is blown. In MANY cases this cannot even be bypassed on modern locos. Before the FRA mandated this feature on new locomotives the bell was of course turned on and off separately. Some locomotives were delivered with a manual bell and have been converted to an automatic bell. This creates a challenge in sound file creation.
We realize that not every loco with a particular prime mover had this feature. As such we have built in an option to turn the feature on and off. We will set the default in the file to be what is most appropriate for the particular file.
To turn the feature OFF - Auto Bell OFF:
1. Remove the Auto bell sound slot from the function mapping chart
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 8
CV311 = 4
2. Change the sound configuration of the Auto bell sound slot
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 1
CV287 = 0
To turn the feature ON - Auto Bell ON:
1. ADD the Auto bell sound slot from the function mapping chart
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 8
CV311 = 12
2. Change the sound configuration of the Auto bell sound slot
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 1
CV287 = 1
Auto Bell Timer:
The Bell timer is amount of time the bell will play after the horn if the auto timer is active. The timer is broken down into 1/4 of a second increments.
CV169=4 - 1 Second
CV169=8 - 2 Seconds
CV169=12 - 3 Seconds
CV169=16 - 4 Seconds
CV169=20 - 5 Seconds - Default
Switcher Brake Squeal Template Pack 1
Brake Squeal (SoundCV11)
CV165=0 Composition Shoe #1
CV165=1 Cast Iron Shoe #1
ALCO Air Dryer Template Pack 1
Air Dryer (SoundCV12)
CV166=0 S-1 Air Dryer 1
CV166=1 C-425 Air Dryer 1
CV166=2 RS-18 Air Dryer 1
CV166=3 RS-18 Air Dryer 2
S0769 - Release Notes
V-4 R-4:
- description mispelling fix
- description brake squeal error fix
- soundslot brake squeal spelling mistake
- remastered prime mover
- updated prime mover comment
- prime mover volume selection mode
Hide description more…
The American Locomotive Company's model 244 prime mover was developed during the mid-1940s to power its post-war diesel locomotives. Interestingly, while Alco helped pioneer diesel technology dating back to the 1920s it had difficulty truly competing against Electro-Motive-Division due to reliability issues with its diesel engines. Before Alco began implementing the 244 in its locomotives the builder had spent most of the 1930s developing an earlier model that was used in most of its early switchers. The new prime mover was supposed to usher in a new era for Alco but instead saw it slip further behind EMD in the marketplace. During the early 1950s the manufacturer replaced the engine with the more reliable 251 that powered its Century series. It would prove to be the company's last engine as it exited the market before 1970.
This sound file would be appropriate for the following locomotives:
RS-2, RS-3, RSC-2, RSC-3, RSD-4, RSD-5
Although there are slight differences, this sound file could also be used in the following locomotives:
FA-1, FB-1, FA-2, FB-2, FPA-2, FPB-2
Recorded from a ALCO RS-3
This project is a normal idle version. It has a single exhaust stack.
File also contains an "Isolation Switch" Mode on F15 when Standing Still.
Pressing F15 while not moving will lower the prime mover and lock the motor. F15 must be turned off to begin moving.
Another Mode is "Reverser In Center Position". When pressing F24 while stopped, the motor will lock so you can throttle through the notches like the prototype in neutral. F24 must be turned off to begin moving.
This project has "Run 8" mode. When turning on F26 with F28 off, the prime mover goes to run 8. Turning off F26 returns the prime mover sounds back to normal mode.
This project has "Coast" mode. When turning on F27 with F28 off, the prime mover goes to idle for coasting purposes. Turning off F27 returns the prime mover sounds back to normal mode.
You can still use F26 and F27 for manual notching. You have to keep both F26 and F27 off before pressing F28 to turn on manual notching. Once F28 is on, you can use F26 to notch up and F27 to notch down. F26, F27, and F28 must be turned off to return to normal mode.
This project has "Load" mode. When turning on F29 with F15, F24, F26, F27, F28 off, the prime mover goes into load mode. While you are using load mode, the prime mover will notch up 1 or more notches based on primary load settings(CV104). The throttle notches up using speed instead of requested speed while using the load feature. F29 must be turned off to return to normal mode.
Prime mover volume selection mode. By default the prime mover has volume dynamics. Meaning idle is soft while notch 8 is loud. This is very prototypical. The next option is volume maxed out. Meaning idle and notch 8 are the same volume. This is more suitable for people who like it loud.
Change the sound configuration of the prime mover sound slot 1
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 1
CV263 = 0 Prime Mover Dynamic Volume Control
CV263 = 1 Prime Mover Max Volume
1st Generation Switcher Horn Pack 1
Horns (SoundCV9):
CV163=0 Handcock 4700 Whistle
CV163=1 Leslie A-125
CV163=2 Leslie A-200
CV163=3 Leslie S-25
CV163=4 Leslie S-2M
CV163=5 Leslie S-3K
CV163=6 Leslie S-3L
CV163=7 Nathan M-3
CV163=8 Nathan M-5
CV163=9 Nathan P-2
CV163=10 Nathan P-3-OC
CV163=11 Nathan P-5-OC
CV163=12 Wabco A-2
CV163=13 Wabco AA-2
CV163=14 Wabco E-2
CV163=15 Nathan K-3L
ALCO Bell Template Pack 3
Bells (SoundCV10):
CV164=0 ALCO Bronze Bell 004
CV164=1 ALCO Bronze Bell 007
CV164=2 ALCO Bronze Bell 009
CV164=3 ALCO Bronze Bell 012
CV164=4 ALCO Bronze Bell 013
Auto Bell:
Many Second and Third Generation locomotives have been fitted with an Automatic Bell that is triggered when the horn is blown. In MANY cases this cannot even be bypassed on modern locos. Before the FRA mandated this feature on new locomotives the bell was of course turned on and off separately. Some locomotives were delivered with a manual bell and have been converted to an automatic bell. This creates a challenge in sound file creation.
We realize that not every loco with a particular prime mover had this feature. As such we have built in an option to turn the feature on and off. We will set the default in the file to be what is most appropriate for the particular file.
To turn the feature OFF - Auto Bell OFF:
1. Remove the Auto bell sound slot from the function mapping chart
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 8
CV311 = 4
2. Change the sound configuration of the Auto bell sound slot
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 1
CV287 = 0
To turn the feature ON - Auto Bell ON:
1. ADD the Auto bell sound slot from the function mapping chart
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 8
CV311 = 12
2. Change the sound configuration of the Auto bell sound slot
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 1
CV287 = 1
Auto Bell Timer:
The Bell timer is amount of time the bell will play after the horn if the auto timer is active. The timer is broken down into 1/4 of a second increments.
CV169=4 - 1 Second
CV169=8 - 2 Seconds
CV169=12 - 3 Seconds
CV169=16 - 4 Seconds
CV169=20 - 5 Seconds - Default
Switcher Brake Squeal Template Pack 1
Brake Squeal (SoundCV11)
CV165=0 Composition Shoe #1
CV165=1 Cast Iron Shoe #1
ALCO Air Dryer Template Pack 1
Air Dryer (SoundCV12)
CV166=0 S-1 Air Dryer 1
CV166=1 C-425 Air Dryer 1
CV166=2 RS-18 Air Dryer 1
CV166=3 RS-18 Air Dryer 2
S0501 - Release Notes
V-5 R-5:
- description mispelling fix
- description brake squeal error fix
- soundslot brake squeal spelling mistake
- remastered prime mover
- updated prime mover note
- new prime mover volume mode Hide description more…
First introduced in the late 50's, the GE FDL is one of the most popular locomotive prime movers ever produced. Aside from a very few HDL prime movers installed in the AC6000CW's, FDL prime movers were still being put in every new GE locomotive until 2003 when the first Evolution Series was implemented.
Our GE 12cyl 7FDL Early Prime mover would be appropriate for the following locomotives:
U23B, U20C, U23C, U26C
Some newer GE 12cyl 7FDL equipped locomotive had a SLIGHTLY different sound due to a larger exhaust and other hardware. While we will be releasing that sound file shortly, this file will be a VERY close substitute until then. Those locomotives would include:
B23-7, BQ23-7, B30-7A, C30-7A
Recorded from a GE U23B
This project is a normal idle version. It has a single early exhaust stack.
File also contains an "Isolation Switch" Mode on F15 when Standing Still.
Pressing F15 while not moving will lower the prime mover and lock the motor. F15 must be turned off to begin moving.
Another Mode is "Reverser In Center Position". When pressing F24 while stopped, the motor will lock so you can throttle through the notches like the prototype in neutral. F24 must be turned off to begin moving.
This project has "Run 8" mode. When turning on F26 with F28 off, the prime mover goes to run 8. Turning off F26 returns the prime mover sounds back to normal mode.
This project has "Coast" mode. When turning on F27 with F28 off, the prime mover goes to idle for coasting purposes. Turning off F27 returns the prime mover sounds back to normal mode.
You can still use F26 and F27 for manual notching. You have to keep both F26 and F27 off before pressing F28 to turn on manual notching. Once F28 is on, you can use F26 to notch up and F27 to notch down. F26, F27, and F28 must be turned off to return to normal mode.
This project has "Load" mode. When turning on F29 with F15, F24, F26, F27, F28 off, the prime mover goes into load mode. While you are using load mode, the prime mover will notch up 1 or more notches based on primary load settings(CV104). The throttle notches up using speed instead of requested speed while using the load feature. F29 must be turned off to return to normal mode.
Prime mover volume selection mode. By default the prime mover has volume dynamics. Meaning idle is soft while notch 8 is loud. This is very prototypical. The next option is volume maxed out. Meaning idle and notch 8 are the same volume. This is more suitable for people who like it loud.
Change the sound configuration of the prime mover sound slot 1
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 1
CV263 = 0 Prime Mover Dynamic Volume Control
CV263 = 1 Prime Mover Max Volume
1st Generation Horn Pack 2
Horns (SoundCV9):
CV163=0 Leslie S-3J
CV163=1 Leslie S-3K-R
CV163=2 Leslie RS-3L
CV163=3 Leslie S-5T-F
CV163=4 Leslie S-5T-R
CV163=5 Leslie S-5T-RRO
CV163=6 Leslie SL-4T
CV163=7 Nathan K-5LA
CV163=8 Nathan M-3H-R2
CV163=9 Nathan M-3-R1
CV163=10 Nathan M-3-RT1
CV163=11 Nathan M-5-R24
CV163=12 Wabco A-2
GE U-Boats Bell Template Pack 1
Bells (SoundCV10):
CV164=0 GE M 6731022A Steel Bell 004
CV164=1 GE M 6731022A Steel Bell 005
CV164=2 GE M 6731022A Steel Bell 009
CV164=3 GE M 6731022A Steel Bell 021
Auto Bell:
Many Second and Third Generation locomotives have been fitted with an Automatic Bell that is triggered when the horn is blown. In MANY cases this cannot even be bypassed on modern locos. Before the FRA mandated this feature on new locomotives the bell was of course turned on and off separately. Some locomotives were delivered with a manual bell and have been converted to an automatic bell. This creates a challenge in sound file creation.
We realize that not every loco with a particular prime mover had this feature. As such we have built in an option to turn the feature on and off. We will set the default in the file to be what is most appropriate for the particular file.
To turn the feature OFF - Auto Bell OFF:
1. Remove the Auto bell sound slot from the function mapping chart
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 8
CV311 = 4
2. Change the sound configuration of the Auto bell sound slot
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 1
CV287 = 0
To turn the feature ON - Auto Bell ON:
1. ADD the Auto bell sound slot from the function mapping chart
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 8
CV311 = 12
2. Change the sound configuration of the Auto bell sound slot
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 1
CV287 = 1
Auto Bell Timer:
The Bell timer is amount of time the bell will play after the horn if the auto timer is active. The timer is broken down into 1/4 of a second increments.
CV169=4 - 1 Second
CV169=8 - 2 Seconds
CV169=12 - 3 Seconds
CV169=16 - 4 Seconds
CV169=20 - 5 Seconds - Default
1st Generation Brake Squeal Template Pack 1
Brake Squeal (SoundCV11)
CV165=0 Composition Shoe #1
CV165=1 Cast Iron Shoe #1
GE U-Boats Air Dryer Template Pack 1
Air Dryer (SoundCV12)
CV166=0 U23B Air Dryer 1
CV166=1 U23B Air Dryer 2
CV166=2 U30C Air Dryer 1
CV166=3 U36B Air Dryer 1
S0705 - Release Notes
V-4 R-4:
- description mispelling fix
- description brake squeal error fix
- soundslot brake squeal spelling mistake
- remastered prime mover Hide description more…
Recorded from Black Hills Central Rrailroad #108
We would like to give a special thanks to the BHCR for their help in this project. To find out more about their operation or to book a ride please go to: https://www.1880train.com/
This is a 2-6-6-2T articulated Mallet that was built by The Baldwin Locomotive Works in 1926.
Pacific Northwest steam historian Martin Hansen offers this perspective: “This 1926 Baldwin 2-6-6-2T spent her entire working career in logging service in the Pacific Northwest. Originally ordered as a coal burner for the Potlach Lumber Co. of Potlach, Idaho where she was No. 24, she later converted to burn oil when she was purchased by Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. for use on that company’s Headquarters Operation out of Longview, Wash., where she became No. 108. She was one of only three Baldwin logging Mallets to be built with full saddle tanks over her boiler, rather than the more common split side tanks found on other tank Mallets of the day.”
The restoration on 108 was completed in 2020 and ran together with the ,110 another 2-6-6-2T, on the Blck Hills Central Railroads first double header.
True Mallet Locomotives are compound locomotives utilizing the steam multiple times. Because the exhaust from the first cylinders (high pressure) gets reused by the next set of cylinders (low pressure) the "double chuff" often associated with articulated locomotives is not really present. They are heard in the more common "simple" type articulated locomotives which are easier to mantain.
While recorded from a 2-6-6-2T this file can be used for simiar Compound Mallet type locomotives.
CV163=0 CB&Q 5 Chime *
CV163=1 DRG&W 5-Chime
CV163=2 Soo #1003
CV163=3 SP #4449
CV163=4 UP #844*
CV163=5 WM 3-Chime *
CV163=6 WM 6-Chime
CV163=7 SP&S 3-Chime *
CV163=8 DL&W #261 5-Chime
CV164=0 BHCR #108 Bell *
CV164=1 Pnuematic Bell 2
CV164=2 Rope Pull Bell
CV164=3 SOO Line 1003 Bell
CV164=4 DRG&W K27 Bell
Brake Squeal:
CV165=0 Brake Squeal #1 Long
CV165=1 Brake Squeal #1 Short
CV165=2 Brake Squeal #2 Long
CV165=3 Brake Squeal #2 Short
CV165=4 Brake Squeal #3 Long
CV165=5 Brake Squeal #4Short
CV166=0 Soo Line 1003 Dynamo
CV166=1 K27 463 Dynamo
CV166=2 T16.1 Dynamo
Air Pumps
CV167=0 Cross Compound #1 Soo Line 1003
CV167=1 Cross Compound #2 K27 463
CV167=2 Single Stage #1 Z27
CV167=3 Single Stage slow Air Pump #1 Z27
CV167=4 BHCR Slow Air Pump *
CV168=0 Johnson Bar
CV168=1 Power Reverse
The ESU Full Throttle Steam files now include a few new logic features for added operational realism while still leaving you in control of HOW YOU wish to run your locomotive.
Heavy Load: F9 by default.
Similar to the “Drive Hold” button on the Full Throttle Diesel files “Heavy Load” allows you to adjust the “Steam Cut Off Valve” at any speed allowing for a fierce full chuff or drifting with snifters and rod clanks. Heavy load can also act as an offset allowing speed adjustments when engaged if desired.
Coast: F4 by default.
Opposite of “Heavy Load” Coast allows for a negative offset allow drifting sounds of Rods and snifter valves at any speed. You again have the option to hold the speed to adjust the speed with this offset active. Even allowing for an increase of speed with no chuffs as if drifting downhill.
Independent brake: F10 by default
Identical to the Full Throttle Diesel files. This allows for the locomotive to stop more quickly than its regular momentum would normally carry it. This one is pretty self-explanatory – just press the brake and come to a stop! For additional options there are 3 Braking rates that can be set up for user preference.
Articulation: Sound Slot 2
By adding Sound Slot 2 to the F8 Function Mapping and enabling the "Secondary Trigger" (CV250) you can add a second set of drivers making any ESU Steam File articulated.
Function Mappable Air Horn: F21 by default
Sound Slot 21.
Many Steam locomotives had a single chime airhorn equipped. Those modelling SP, MILW, and others can now have this feature and put it where they would like in the function mapping in addition to the whistle.
S0816 - Release Notes
V-4 R-4:
- updated independent brake
- updated boiler hiss
- updated steam chuff sound slot
V-5 R-5:
- changed whistle sound slot 3 maximum sound slot speed to 128
V-6 R-6:
- steam chuff secondary trigger distance adustment to 10 Hide description more…
If you download the designated file, you agree to be legally bound by the license given above.