Showing items 51 - 54 of 54

Auscision 86 Class N XL L M4

Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!
MUST use LokProgrammer Version 5.0.0 or newer

Auscision Models NSW 86 Class / 8650 Electric Locomotive

There are up to 16 separate horns included on this one sound profile! All changeable using seperate CVs. However only the Nathan Airchime P5 is applicable for this locomotive.

Horn: (SoundCV9)
CV163=0 Nathan Airchime P5

Brake Squeal (SoundCV11)
CV165=0 Composition Shoe
CV166=1 Cast Iron Shoe

Drive Hold: Logic Function, more…

Auscision 85 Class N XL L M4

Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!
MUST use LokProgrammer Version 5.0.0 or newer

Auscision Models NSW 85 Class Electric Locomotive

There are up to 16 separate horns included on this one sound profile! All changeable using seperate CVs. However only the Nathan Airchime P5 is applicable for this locomotive.

Horn: (SoundCV9)
CV163=0 Nathan Airchime P5

Brake Squeal (SoundCV11)
CV165=0 Composition Shoe
CV166=1 Cast Iron Shoe

Drive Hold: Logic Function, Mapped more…

EMD 12-cyl 710G3A N XL L M4

82 Class Locomotive

Auscision 442 Class (FT) N XL L M4

Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!
MUST use LokProgrammer Version 5.0.0 or newer

Auscision 442 Class Goodwin Alco 12cyl 251C

There are up to 16 separate horns included on this one sound profile! All changeable using seperate CVs.

Prime Mover:
Goodwin Alco 12cyl 251C

Horns (SoundCV9):
CV163=0 Australian Nathan P5
CV163=1 RVB Hurricane 3 Chime
CV163=2 RVB Hurricane 5 Chime
CV163=3 Twin RVB Hurricane 5 Chime
CV163=4 Nathan Old Cast P5
CV163=5 Westinghouse Single A-B
CV163=6 Nathan more…