Showing items 1 - 10 of 59

Class 03 U+ N XL L M4

Class 08 U+ N XL L M4

Class 43 HST N XL L M4

Class 50 N XL L M4

Class 57 N XL L M4

Class 66 N XL L M4

Class 67 N XL L M4

GWR Group 2 U+ N XL L M4

GWR Region

We have devided Great Western loco sounds into four distinct groups. Many locos have the same basic sounds with perhaps subtle differences.

Group 2 Locos (recorded typically from Small Prairies (45xx) and 42xx locos):
Tank Locos - 42/52xx 2-8-0T, 72xx 2-8-2T, 44xx/45xx/4575 Small Prairies

The following GW locos could use either our Group 2 or Group 3 loco system depending on your choice (loudspeaker choice could be the deciding factor):
28/38xx 2-8-0, ROD 2-8-0, 47xx 2-8-0, 43xx more…

GWR Group 3 U+ N XL L M4

GWR Region

We have devided Great Western loco sounds into four distinct groups. Many locos have the same basic sounds with perhaps subtle differences.

Group 3 Locos (not Castle/King) (recorded typically from Manor/Hall locos):
County 10xx, Hall 49/59/69xx, Grange 68xx, Modified Hall 6959, Manor 78xx, Dukedog 90xx, City

The following GW locos could use either our Group 2 or Group 3 loco system depending on your choice (loudspeaker choice could be the deciding factor):
28/38xx 2-8-0, ROD more…

GWR Group 4 U+ N XL L M4

GWR Region

We have devided Great Western loco sounds into four distinct groups. Many locos have the same basic sounds with perhaps subtle differences.

Group 4 Locos (recorded from the Prototype) for the biggest locos - Castles, Stars and Kings