Showing items 51 - 60 of 77

BR 41 Kohle N XL L M4

In the early 1950s German Deutsche Bundesbahn DB decided to replace worn out boilers of Class 41 steam locomotives with new ones. The 40 locos with coal firing developed 1940 HP and reached a maximum speed of 90 km/h. The 41s werde used for fast freight and heavy passenger service.

BR 41 Öl N XL L M4

In the early 1950s German Deutsche Bundesbahn DB decided to replace worn out boilers of Class 41 steam locomotives with new ones. The 40 locos with oil firing developed 1975 HP and reached a maximum speed of 90 km/h. The 41s werde used for fast freight and heavy passenger service.

BR 81 N XL L M4

German Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft DRG ordered 10 samples of four axle steam locomotive for shunting service in 1928. The two cylinder locos BR 81 developed 860 HP and reached a maximum speed of 45 km/h. In 1963 final loco quitted service at DB.

BR 64 N XL L M4

German Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft DRG ordered 520 samples of steam locomotive BR 64 for light passenger duty in 1928. The successful two cylinder locos developed 950 HP and reached a maximum speed of 90 km/h. The locos were use on main and secondary lines and stayed in service until 1975.

BR03.10 DB Neubaukessel N XL L M4

In the early days of the Deutsche Bundesbahn DB, the 03.10, which had been freed from the streamlining, were heavily used in express train service, which revealed the boiler's weaknesses. In order to remedy these deficiencies, the DB equipped a total of 25 units with new replacement boilers from 1957, which had proven themselves in the 41 series. With an output of 1870 hp and a top speed of 140 km/h, the locomotives from Hagen mainly pulled express trains. Since the locomotives were very more…

18 201 N XL L M4

In the 1950s Deutsche Reichsbahn DR of GDR needed a high-speed locomotive to test new passenger cars. The testing department of DR developed the 18 201 out of tank loco 61 002, a new boiler (out of “Reko” re-design programme) and the cylinders of a test loco. The loco develops 1590 HP and reaches a maximum speed of 176 km/h. 18 201 is the fastest operable steam locomotive in the world.

BR 78 / pr. T18 N XL L M4

In 1912 Prussian State Railway ordered the first of 462 samples of the 4-6-4 saddle tank loco T18. The two-cylinder loco developed 1140 HP and reached a maximum speed of 100 km/h. The locos were used for passenger trains on main and branch lines and stayed in service until 1974.

BR 45 N XL L M4

German Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft DRG ordered 28 samples of steam locomotive BR 45 for heavy and fast freight duty. The 3-cylinder locos developed 2800 HP and reached a maximum speed of 90 km/h. After WW II seven locos were given to testing department BZA of Deutsche Bundesbahn to simulate heavy trains during approval runs of new locomotives.

BR 85 N XL L M4

BR 85 had been develop for trains on steep grades by the Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft (DRG) in 1932. Ten units of the 3 cylinder 2-10-2 had been built. They developed 1500 HP and reached a maximum speed of 80 km/h. In 1961 last sample of 85 quitted service at Deutsche Bundesbahn (DB).

BR 44 Kohle N XL L M4

BR 44 had been the most successful steam loco for heavy freight trains at the Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft (DRG). Between 1926 an end of WWII 1989 units of the 3 cylindred 2-10 had been built. They developed 1919 HP and reached a maximum speed of 80 km/h. In the 1950s Deutsche Bundesbahn (DB) and Deutsche Reichsbahn (DR) rebuilt 36 (DB) and 95 (DR) with oil firing equipment.