Showing items 61 - 70 of 108

RhB ABe 8/12 N XL L M4

In 2010, a new era started with the year´s summer timetable among RhB´s rolling stock: the first 15 copies of the three-part “Allegra” dual-voltage railcars, ordered from Stadler, replaced some of the locomotives which had seen better days.
The powerful and air-conditioned ABe 4/8 3501-3515 can be either used on the main line´s AC system or the DC-powered “Bernina” line.
With further procurements, the operational concept of locomotive-drawn trains has changed with the exception of the Albula more…

FO/MGB Deh 4/4 I/Deh 4/4 II N XL L M4

In 1972 Swiss narrow gauge Railway Furka-Oberalp-Bahn FO received five four axle electric locos with luggage compartment. The four motor locos developed 1032 kW and reached a maximum speed of 60 km/h in adhesion drive and 30 km/h using rack drive.

RhB Gmf 4/4 II 234 01-234 04 N XL L M4

For use with heavy maintenance trains Swiss narrow gauge line RhB ordered 4 samples of diesel electric Gmf 4/4 II loco at German manufacturer Schalker Eisenhütte. Prime mover MTU 12V 4000 R43L delivers 1800 kW at 1800 rpm and enables the loco to reach a maximum speed of 100 km/h.

HGe 4/4 II N XL L M4

For passenger service on narrow gauge lines with cograil sections Swiss State Railway SBB ordered 21 samples of four axle electric locos HGe 4/4 II. When operating on cograil tracks maximum speed is limited on 40 km/h, on adhesion lines are 100 km/h permitted. The locos pull for example the famous Glacier Express.

RhB Xe 4/4 23201 N XL L M4

In 2012 swiss Rhetian Railway RhB re-designed two of their electric railcars ABe 4/4 II for service railcars with repair shop interior. The two cars were re-numbered for Xe 232 01 and Xe 272 01. The four motor units reach a maximum speed of 65 km/h.

RhB Gmf 4/4 N XL L M4

For traction of trains for construction areas Swiss Rhetian Railway (RhB) ordered two diesel electric Gmf 4/4 242 and 243 at German manufacturer Kaelble-Gmeinder. The four axle locos are driven by a Caterpillar 12 cylinder prime mover 3412 DI-TA and reach a maximum speed of 60 km/h.

Ge 4/4 III N XL L M4

FO BDeh 2/4 41-45 N XL L M4

In 1941, the Schöllenenbahn and the Furka-Oberalp-Bahn in Switzerland procured five railcars, initially designated as BCFhe 2/4. These were designed for the 11kV, 16 2/3Hz AC system and featured appropriate equipment for the steep cogwheel sections. The four companies rebuilt and renamed the railcars several times until they operated as BDeh 2/4 from 1978. In adhesion mode, the 430 kW powered railcars reached 55 km/h and in rack mode 30 km/h. For gear and adhesion operation, the vehicles have more…

MOB GDe 4/4 N XL L M4

The meter-gauge Montreux-Oberland Bernois MOB purchased four copies of the four-engine GDe 4/4 electric locomotive, two further went to the Chemins de fer fribourgois Gruyère-Fribourg-Morat GFM. The latter sold their two locomotives to the MOB in 2007. The 1053 kW strong and 100 km / h fast four-axle vehicles for the 900 V direct current system have been given a luggage compartment in the middle to save separate luggage car in the Panoramic Express. Between 1983 and 2010, locomotive 6003 held more…


Swiss Montreux-Berner Oberlandbahn MOB ordered four samples of electric Ge 4/4 III for their narrow gauge lines. The locos develop 2000 kW. The maximum speed of 120 km/h is not used during operation.