Showing items 1 - 10 of 36

BR62 DRG/DB/DR  LokSound 5 European Sound files N XL L M4

The class 62 express tank locomotive was part of the standard locomotive program of the German Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft (DRG). The 1,680 hp two-cylinder locomotive was designed for service on short main routes where the idea was to avoid turning the locomotives in the terminal stations in favor of short turnaround times. The drive wheel diameter of 1750 mm was a good compromise for good acceleration and a top speed of 100 km/h. During the DRG era, the 15 locomotives proved their worth, for more…

VT628  LokSound 5 European Sound files N XL L M4

Diesel railcar type 628, MTU 12 V engine

SNCF Y6200/Y6400 Poyaud  LokSound 5 European Sound files N XL L M4

diesel shunter Y6200/Y6400 of the SNCF

SNCB/NMBS HLD62 / HLD63  LokSound 5 European Sound files N XL L M4

From 1961 the La Brugeoise et Nivelles plant delivered 136 units of the diesel-electric class 212 (from 1971 HLD 62) to the Belgian State Railways SNCB. General Motors supplied the 1030 kW twelve-cylinder diesel engine GM 12-567C. With a top speed of 120 km/h, the locomotives could be used for passenger and freight service. In 2003 the retirement was completed.

Different starting processes can be selected with F1: 1x press button = warm start / press button 2x = false start / press button 3x more…

SNCF A1AA1A 62000  LokSound 5 European Sound files N XL L M4

1946 french state railway SNCF ordered 100 samples of diesel electric shunting locomotive 040 DA (later A1A A1A 62000) at Baldwin locomotive works. With its maximum speed of 96 km/h the locos also succeeded in freight service on main lines. Railway men nicknamed the class Yayas. The 6 cylinder 606 NA prime mover developed 660 HP at 625 rpm.

V162 / BR 217 DB  LokSound 5 European Sound files N XL L M4

Even during the series production of the V160, the German Federal Railroad DB was considering heating trains on non-electrified lines electrically instead of with steam, as was previously the case. In order not to have to divert power for the operation of the generator from the main diesel engine MTU MB 16 V 652 TB (1900 HP) taken over from the V160, it was decided to use the 12-cylinder engine MAN/MTU D 3650 HM 3 U with an output of 500 HP as a heating diesel engine, which had proven itself more…

SBB Re 6/6 / Re620  LokSound 5 European Sound files N XL L M4

Swiss State Railways SBB ordered 89 samples of heavy electric locomotive Re 6/6. Each of the three trucks has two traction motors. The loco delivers 7850 kW and reaches a maximum speed of 140 km/h. Today the dependable locos are use in heavy passenger and freight train service, often on famous Gotthard route.

Engineer/driver mode:

F4 - Pantograph up / down (only available in Engineer/driver mode). Engineer/driver mode switch on with CV170 = 1, Engineer/driver mode switch off with CV170 = more…

VT 62  LokSound 5 European Sound files N XL L M4

In 1926 German Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft (DRG) received nine diesel mechanic rail cars for passenger service. The side rod equipped railcars developed 175 HP and reached a maximum speed of 65 km/h. please note: another 5 airhorns are selectable via CV48)

SNCF BB9200 / BB25100  LokSound 5 European Sound files N XL L M4

In 1957, the BB9200 was the first version of a family of locomotives from the French state railways SNCF, which shared the box body but had different gearboxes and equipment for different power systems. The 92 examples of the BB9200 express train locomotive for the 15kV direct current network are accelerated to a maximum speed of 160 km/h by four CEM 931B GLM electric motors with a combined output of 4100 kW. Since the locomotives were also to be used on ramps, the SNCF ordered 30 units with an more…

BR 50  LokSound 5 European Sound files N XL L M4

In 1939 German Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft DRG received 1st of more than 3100 samples of 2-10-0 two-cylinder steam loco BR 50. The loco developed 1625 HP and reached a maximum speed of 80 km/h. With its axle load of just 15,2 tons the locos were used even on branch lines with light weight rails. Locos of DB quitted service in 1977, the DR locos were used for ten more years.