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Swiss State Railways SBB ordered 89 samples of heavy electric locomotive Re 6/6. Each of the three trucks has two traction motors. The loco delivers 7850 kW and reaches a maximum speed of 140 km/h. Today the dependable locos are use in heavy passenger and freight train service, often on famous Gotthard route.
Engineer/driver mode:
F4 - Pantograph up / down (only available in Engineer/driver mode). Engineer/driver mode switch on with CV170 = 1, Engineer/driver mode switch off with CV170 = 0)
The Engineer/driver mode serves as a prototypical control of the train. The realistic start up process and the current-dependent processes are activated.
***Please note! In Engineer/driver mode, the train only reacts when the pantograph is up***
Heavy load operation:
F5 - Activates heavy load operation. The acceleration now takes noticeably longer and the electric motors work harder.
Braking functions:
F17 - Brake function 1 with brake valve sound. Trains brakes to a standstill.
Radiator fan automatic:
F15 - In standstill and radiator fan button off:
1 x press = radiator fan step winter / 3 x short press = radiator fan step summer / 2 x short press = stop radiator fan run-on after driving while stationary. If radiator fan button is permanently active = radiator fan remains in radiator fan step winter until button is switched off.
F15 - While driving and radiator fan button on: Radiator Fan button pressed = radiator fan step winter or summer (depending on the speed or forced activation) remains switched on and the button is switched off. Press twice = switch from radiator fan step winter to radiator fan step summer (depending on the speed or forced activation)
*** Attention: After switching on while driving from radiator fan step winter to summer, the step summer remains switched on until radiator fan function is switched off! ***
Deactivate braking Sound:
F27 - Deactivates brake squeal Sound when the train stops. (4 different brake squeal sounds with CV165 value 0-3 selectable)
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In 1957, the BB9200 was the first version of a family of locomotives from the French state railways SNCF, which shared the box body but had different gearboxes and equipment for different power systems. The 92 examples of the BB9200 express train locomotive for the 15kV direct current network are accelerated to a maximum speed of 160 km/h by four CEM 931B GLM electric motors with a combined output of 4100 kW. Since the locomotives were also to be used on ramps, the SNCF ordered 30 units with an electrical resistance brake. Six locomotives were equipped with bogies for 200 km/h and pulled the famous "Capitole" express train. In the 1970s, six of the former Capitole machines received push-pull control and painted them in the newly introduced Corail livery in order to cover the supra-regional push-pull trains, for which a total of 28 control cars had been procured from 1975. As late as the 1990s, four of the already very old locomotives were equipped with equipment for transporting heavy double-decker commuter trains and were designated BB9700 from then on. Other locomotives also hauled freight trains in later years. In 2010, the SNCF retired the last examples.
Based on the DC locomotive BB9200, the French state railway SNCF had a total of 62 examples of the express train locomotive BB16000 built for the 25kV 50Hz AC network from 1958. The four-axle vehicles with a power of 4420 kW and a speed of 160 km/h were mainly used in the North and East regions. The 15 machines that were retrofitted with the TDM train control system were listed as the BB16100 series. In 1958, the French state railway SNCF had four test locomotives of the BB20100 series built by SLM Winterthur as two-system AC versions of the BB9200 DC locomotive with different technical equipment. BB20101 and 102 received four individual motors, while the BB20103 and 104 tested the monomoteur concept with only one traction motor per bogie, which was later implemented in many other series. The four locomotives delivered between 3340 and 3860 kW in the 25kV 50Hz and 3060 and 3210 kW in the 15kV 16 2/3 Hz system. The maximum speed was a uniform 160 km/h. The locomotives were mainly used in cross-border traffic to Switzerland. After the experience with the BB16000 poly tension series and the BB20005 prototypes, the French state railway SNCF had a total of 96 examples of the two-system locomotives BB25100, 25150, and 25200 built from 1967. The four Jeumont TO 136/8 electric motors have a uniform output of 4420 kW at 25 kV AC and 3650 at 1.5 kV DC. The first two types were equipped with gears for a top speed of 130 km/h, designed for pulling heavy passenger trains. The reason for the difference in the designation was the slightly different technical equipment due to the outfitter. Light express trains fell within the scope of the 160 km/h fast BB 25200, of which 50 examples were built. The SNCF retrofitted 14 units with facilities for push-pull operation.
Engineer/driver mode:
F4 - Pantograph up / down. Engineer/driver mode switch on with CV170 = 1, Engineer/driver mode switch off with CV170 = 0)
The Engineer/driver mode serves as a prototypical control of the train. The realistic start up process and the current-dependent processes are activated.
***Please note! In Engineer/driver mode, the train only reacts when the pantograph is up***
Heavy load operation:
F5 - Activates heavy load operation. The acceleration now takes noticeably longer and the electric motors work harder.
Braking function:
F17 - Brake function 2 with brake valve sound. Trains brakes to a standstill.
Radiator fan automatic:
F15 (1,5 kV DC)- In standstill and radiator fan button off:
1 x press = radiator fan on / 2 x short press = stop radiator fan run-on after driving while stationary. If radiator fan button is permanently active = radiator fan stays on until button is switched off.
F15 (25 kV DC)- In standstill and radiator fan button off:
3 x short press = radiator fan step strong / 2 x short press = stop radiator fan run-on after driving while stationary. If radiator fan button is permanently active = radiator fan stays in step strong, until button is switched off.
F15 (25 kV AC) While driving and radiator fan button off:
2 x short press = radiator fan step strong. If radiator fan button is permanently active = radiator fan stays in step strong, until button is switched off.
*** Attention: After switching on while driving from radiator fan step winter to summer, the step summer remains switched on until radiator fan function is switched off! ***
Deactivate braking Sound:
F27 - Deactivates brake squeal Sound when the train stops. (4 different brake squeal sounds with CV165 value 0-3 selectable) Hide description more…
Electric loco 111 of Deutsche Bundesbahn DB was purchased for fast passenger service on main lines. The four traction motors develop 3620 kW and enable the loco to reach 160 km/h. For consist use with heavy Intercity trains some locos received new pantographs. Some years ago all of the locos were given to DB Regio for push-pull operation.
Engineer/driver mode:
F4 - Pantograph up / down (only available in Engineer/driver mode). Engineer/driver mode switch on with CV170 = 1, Engineer/driver mode switch off with CV170 = 0)
The Engineer/driver mode serves as a prototypical control of the train. The realistic start up process and the current-dependent processes are activated.
***Please note! In Engineer/driver mode, the train only reacts when the pantograph is up***
Heavy load operation:
F5 - Activates heavy load operation. The acceleration now takes noticeably longer and the electric motors work harder.
Braking functions:
F12 - Brake function 1 with brake fan sound. Downhill simulation (speed reduction with CV179 and CV182 adjustable). Train significantly reduces the speed.
F17 - Brake function 2 with brake valve sound. Trains brakes to a standstill.
Radiator fan automatic:
F15 - In standstill and radiator fan button off:
1 x press = radiator fan step winter / 3 x short press = radiator fan step summer / 2 x short press = stop radiator fan run-on after driving while stationary. If radiator fan button is permanently active = radiator fan remains in radiator fan step winter until button is switched off.
F15 - While driving and radiator fan button on: Radiator Fan button pressed = radiator fan step winter or summer (depending on the speed or forced activation) remains switched on and the button is switched off. Press twice = switch from radiator fan step winter to radiator fan step summer (depending on the speed or forced activation)
*** Attention: After switching on while driving from radiator fan step winter to summer, the step summer remains switched on until radiator fan function is switched off! ***
Deactivate braking Sound:
F27 - Deactivates brake squeal Sound when the train stops. (4 different brake squeal sounds with CV165 value 0-3 selectable)
F14 - Station Announcement #1: Announcements selectable via CV169: (0=randomized Announcement, 1=Ulm, 2=Cologne, 3=Mainz, 4=Munich, 5=Mannheim, 6=Salzburg, 7=Stuttgart, 8=Dortmund, 9=Duisburg, 10=Augsburg) Hide description more…
Between 1965 and 1978 Austrian State Railways ÖBB received 29 samples of eletric passenger train 4010. The four traction motors developed 2480 kW and reached a maximum speed of 150 km/h. In 1990 the trains received automatic doors instead of the old pneumatic ones.
Air Horn selection:
F2 - Horn high (3 different air horns with CV163 = 0, 1 or 2 selectable)
F3 - Horn low (3 different air horns with CV162 = 0, 1 or 2 selectable)
Engineer/driver mode:
F4 - Pantograph up / down (only available in Engineer/driver mode). Engineer/driver mode switch on with CV170 = 1, Engineer/driver mode switch off with CV170 = 0)
The Engineer/driver mode serves as a prototypical control of the train. The realistic start up process and the current-dependent processes are activated.
***Please note! In Engineer/driver mode, the train only reacts when the pantograph is up***
Heavy load operation:
F5 - Activates heavy load operation. The acceleration now takes noticeably longer and the electric motors work harder.
Braking functions:
F12 - Brake function 1 with brake fan sound. Downhill simulation (speed reduction with CV179 and CV182 adjustable). Train significantly reduces the speed.
F17 - Brake function 2 with brake valve sound. Trains brakes to a standstill.
Radiator fan automatic:
F15 - In standstill and radiator fan button off:
1 x press = radiator fan step winter / 3 x short press = radiator fan step summer / 2 x short press = stop radiator fan run-on after driving while stationary. If radiator fan button is permanently active = radiator fan remains in radiator fan step winter until button is switched off.
F15 - While driving and radiator fan button on: Radiator Fan button pressed = radiator fan step winter or summer (depending on the speed or forced activation) remains switched on and the button is switched off. Press twice = switch from radiator fan step winter to radiator fan step summer (depending on the speed or forced activation)
*** Attention: After switching on while driving from radiator fan step winter to summer, the step summer remains switched on until radiator fan function is switched off! ***
Deactivate braking Sound:
F27 - Deactivates brake squeal Sound when the train stops. (4 different brake squeal sounds with CV165 value 0-3 selectable) Hide description more…
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