Showing items 1 - 10 of 42

BR 216 / V160  LokSound 5 European Sound files N XL L M4

In 1964 series production of dieselhydraulic main line loco V160 of the Deutsche Bundesbahn DB started.The four axle loco was driven by a 16 cylinder diesel motor MB 16V 652 TB. The 1900-HP-locos were used in medium passenger and freight duty and reached a maximum speed of 120 km/h.

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V100.20 / BR212  LokSound 5 European Sound files N XL L M4

In 1962 German State Railway DB ordered 380 samples of dieselhydraulic loco V100.20 (later BR 212). The MB 835 Ab diesel develops 1350 HP at 1500 rpm and enables the loco to reach a maximum speed of 100 km/h. 10 more locos were equiped with additional brake for service on steep grades. Those locos were named V100.23 (later BR 213).

For Lokprogrammer from version 5.0.9.

BR 218 / MTU-MA-12V-956-TB11  LokSound 5 European Sound files N XL L M4

The classes (BR) 215 and 218 diesel locomotives of the Western German Railway (DB) are used in mixed service since 1968.

218 101 to 194, 218 242 to 288 were equipped with a 12 cylinder 4 stroke main Diesel from MAN that was later called MTU 12 V 956 TB10 that generates 2500 HP. The 2800 HP version of this motor is called MTU 12 V 956 TB11.

In the late 1980s the exhaust system of BR 218 with the 12 V motor had been optimized. Since 1995 many of the 218 are equipped with motors called "MTU 12 more…

BR227 / V170 / AA16 NoHAB MY  LokSound 5 European Sound files N XL L M4

After the Second World War, various European locomotive manufacturers began developing diesel-electric locomotives, which began to displace steam traction in the USA. In Sweden, Nydqvist and Holm AB (NoHAB) acquired the license to manufacture diesel locomotives for the Electro-Motive Division (EMD) in 1949. The Americans owned an export version of the F-series, which had a driver's cab at both ends. For the lighter superstructure in Europe, locos were equipped qith six instead of four axles. more…

BR130, BR131, BR132DR, BR232  LokSound 5 European Sound files N XL L M4

The most famous East German diesel loco is the 132. The six axle diesel electric loco is nicknamed “Ludmilla” by train fans. 709 samples of the 3000 HP locos had been delivered by Lokomotivfabrik Woroschilowgrad in Lugansk (Soviet Union today Ukraine) between 1973 and 1983 to the In the late 1960s the railway of the German Democratic Republic (DR) ordered successors for their V200 class. The new class should have an electric heating to pull also passenger trains. The first two series (class 130 more…

BR 650  LokSound 5 European Sound files N XL L M4

diesel hydraulic railcar BR650

BR120DR /V200DR/Taigatrommel  LokSound 5 European Sound files N XL L M4

For heavy freight service East German Deutsche Reichsbahn DR ordered 378 samples of diesel electric locos V200 (later BR 120, from 1990 on classified as BR 220). The 14D40 2-stroke prime mover develops 1471 kW at 750 rpm. Maximum speed was 100 km/h. As the locos were very loud people nick-named them Taigadrum.

V180 DR / BR118 BR228 DB  LokSound 5 European Sound files N XL L M4

To replace medium-duty steam locomotive series in passenger and freight train service, the Deutsche Reichsbahn DR developed the twin-engine V180 series with diesel-hydraulic drive in the late 1950s. The four-axle vehicles, initially equipped with two 900 hp twelve-cylinder Type 12 KVD 21 A diesel engines, reached a top speed of 120 km/h. The locomotives delivered from 1965 received the second expansion stage of the diesel engine. This also applied to the six-axle versions, which were heavier more…

VT11.5 Gasturbine (BR602)  LokSound 5 European Sound files N XL L M4

In 1971 German State Railway DB decided to improve acceleration of its diesel railcar units 601 by replacing diesel prime movers with Avco Lycoming TF 35 gas turbines. The four head end motor cars now deliver 1620 kW each and enable the 11-car train to reach a maximum speed of 160 km/h. You can select between 3 airhorns by setting CV48 to a value of either 0,1 or 2

BR 229  LokSound 5 European Sound files N XL L M4

Diesel locomotive BR 229, former DR BR 119 ("Submarine")