Showing items 51 - 60 of 121

BR 53  LokSound 5 European Sound files N XL L M4

BR53 steam-freight locomotive, 4 cylinder, wheel arrangement: 1'C'D, tender 5-A

BR76 pr. T10-KPEV-DRG  LokSound 5 European Sound files N XL L M4

To speed up express trains on the relatively short 41 km route between Frankfurt and Wiesbaden, the Prussian state railway KPEV had a new, powerful tank locomotive developed. The engineer responsible, Robert Garbe, decided to marry the slightly shortened chassis of the P8 (later BR 38.10-40) with the boiler of the P6 (BR 37.0-1) and thus created the T10. The twelve samples of the 880 hp, 100 km/h two-cylinder locomotive proved to be up to the task and were in service with the KPEV and DRG for more…

BR39 DB DR / Pr. P10 KPEV  LokSound 5 European Sound files N XL L M4

For the heavy express train service in the hill country, the Prussian KPEV had a four-coupled three-cylinder locomotive developed instead of replicating the proven Saxon XX HV with four cylinders. Borsig's design was then implemented, although the required maximum axle load of 17 t was exceeded by almost 2 t, meaning the locomotive could only be used on a few routes. With its output of 1,620 hp, it reached a top speed of 110 km/h. When most of the main routes were upgraded for an axle load of more…

BR43  LokSound 5 European Sound files N XL L M4

BR 43 steam locomotive of the german reich railways DRG. type 1'E-h2

BR 111  LokSound 5 European Sound files N XL L M4

Electric loco 111 of Deutsche Bundesbahn DB was purchased for fast passenger service on main lines. The four traction motors develop 3620 kW and enable the loco to reach 160 km/h. For consist use with heavy Intercity trains some locos received new pantographs. Some years ago all of the locos were given to DB Regio for push-pull operation.

Engineer/driver mode:

F4 - Pantograph up / down (only available in Engineer/driver mode). Engineer/driver mode switch on with CV170 = 1, Engineer/driver more…

ICE 3 - BR403  LokSound 5 European Sound files N XL L M4

For high-speed passenger service the German DB AG ordered 50 units of electric trains ICE 3. Delivery started in 1999. Four of the eight cars are motor cars that develop 8000 kW in complete. The ICE 3 reach a maximum speed of 330 km/h. The mono-system trains are numbered Class 403. For cross border service in Belgium, France and the Netherlands another 17 units of four-system train of Class 406.

BR 151  LokSound 5 European Sound files N XL L M4

BR 151 For around 40 years the Class BR 151 represented the most important type for traction of fast and heavy freight trains for the State Railway of Federal Republic of Germany (DB). At the time of origin in the early 1970s the six axle loco were faster then any more more…

BR246 / BR285  LokSound 5 European Sound files N XL L M4

The dieselelectric locos 246 (builder name Traxx P160 DE) and 285 (Traxx F140 DE) were developed out of the famous Traxx family of German Bombardier Transportation. Prime mover is a MTU 16 V 4000 R 43 L that develops 3263 HP. The eight samples of class 246 are used for double stack passenger trains and reach a maximum speed of 160 km/h. 15 samples of 285 (maximum speed 140 km/h) pull freight trains in Germany and are well known for traction of heavy weight carbonate trains on steep grades of more…

BR 98.8 Bayr. GtL 4/4  LokSound 5 European Sound files N XL L M4

From 1911 onwards, Krauss delivered 117 examples of the GtL 4/4 two-cylinder local railway locomotive in several series to the Bavarian State Railways. The Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft DRG received the last 17 in 1927 and grouped them as the 98.8 series. With an output of 450 hp, the four-couplers were the most powerful Bavarian local railway machines. The DRG only considered the top speed of 40 km/h to be in need of improvement and equipped the most recently delivered locomotives with a more…

BR18.3 Bad. IVh  LokSound 5 European Sound files N XL L M4

The Ivh of Badische Staatsbahn, later the 18³ series, was purchased from 1918 as an express steam locomotive primarily for the Rhine Valley Railway Basel - Mannheim. The manufacturer of all 20 machines was the renowned Munich locomotive factory J.A. Maffei. The IVh was designed as a 4-cylinder composite engine. The balanced drive made her a fast cross-country skier and the top speed could be increased from the original 110 km/h to 140 km/h. The use of the 18.3 on the famous Rheingold Express more…