Showing items 51 - 60 of 132

BR 82  LokSound V4.0 European Soundfiles H0 N XL L M4

The DB Class 82 was a goods train tank locomotive with the Deutsche Bundesbahn in Germany, that was built in the period after the Second World War and was intended for shunting and normal rail services. The engines were predominantly employed in the marshalling yards at Bremen and Hamm as well as on the harbour lines of Emden and Hamburg. The 82s could also be seen on normal railway duties on the steep inclines of the Westerwald and in the Black Forest on the Murg Valley Railway.

BR06  LokSound V4.0 & LokPilot V4.0 for Factory Equipped Locomotives H0 N XL L M4

standard locomotive type 06; 4-8-4; 3 cylinders

According to old sources, the Deutsche Reichsbahn traditionally painted its streamlined locomotives in an elegant dark red during the mid-nine-teen thirties. The BR 06 was allegedly also painted in this colour. This is supported by several illustrations.

BR 14  LokSound V4.0 & LokPilot V4.0 for Factory Equipped Locomotives H0 N XL L M4

The two new models that Brawa is launching are beautiful, fast and enduring. The S 9 Länderbahn in green and the DRG’s BR 14 in black are genuinely beautiful steam locomotives. Brawa’s models are just as appealing as the originals, and they incorporate a whole host of precision details such as accurately replicated paintwork and true-to-epoch lighting. The boiler, chassis, gangplank, tender box and spoked wheels are also precision made in die-cast zinc, and the locomotives have doors that open more…

BR 94 (Tn)  LokSound V4.0 & LokPilot V4.0 for Factory Equipped Locomotives H0 N XL L M4

For service on secondary lines with a light superstructure, the Württembergische Staatsbahn bought ten-coupled tender locomotives of Class Tn with 11 tonnes axle pressure, which were built by the locomotive factory Esslingen between 1911 and 1914. The Württemberg T5 (also available from BRAWA) was the model for this development, many parts of which were the same as the Tn. All 30 Tns were taken over by the Deutsche Reichsbahn Gesellschaft as 94 101 to 94 130 and provided very good service in more…

BR74-T11  LokSound V4.0 & LokPilot V4.0 for Factory Equipped Locomotives H0 N XL L M4

Although numerous T 11 remained after 1945 in the western occupation zones and were still in operational service, the stock was quickly decimated. Almost all existing locomotives were decommissioned by 1950. The large stock of traction vehicles which were added from Eastern and Central Germany at the end of the war made it possible. One of the three engines still in the rolling stock in 1951 was 74 313, which did service at the Hildesheim depot of the Hanover division.

BR54.8  LokSound V4.0 & LokPilot V4.0 for Factory Equipped Locomotives H0 N XL L M4

In the 54.8-11 class, several operable units survived the Second World War, and they continued to see use after the war because of the extreme shortage of locomotives. This included all the 54.8 units that had been converted to superheated steam, even though this was one of the most economical DR classes. The 54.8 units that counted as Polish property were not affected by this order. They remained in DB operation until 1951, and were only decommissioned when it became clear that the political more…

BR 98.10  LokSound V4.0 & LokPilot V4.0 for Factory Equipped Locomotives H0 N XL L M4

Deutsche Bundesbahn

All 45 98.10 locomotives were recovered after 1945 by the Deutsche Bundesbahn, and continued to be used exclusively in their native Bavaria. Though the locomotives were initially indispensable, they were put out to pasture after the advent of the "Roter Brummer" rail bus, especially those used in passenger train service. Many of the locomotives were still used after this time, in freight service especially. DB did not make any more major changes or improvements; in the late more…

BR 38.4  LokSound V4.0 & LokPilot V4.0 for Factory Equipped Locomotives H0 N XL L M4

Steam locomotive BR38.4

Hh Brawa  LokSound V4.0 & LokPilot V4.0 for Factory Equipped Locomotives H0 N XL L M4

Steam locomotive class Hh of the Royal Württembergian State Railroad, Type 0-10-0

The main load of freight traffic of the Königlich Württembergische Staats-Eisenbahnen (K.W.St.E.) was carried by the three-coupled class F and Fc freight locomotives. There were only a few five-coupled class G Klose locomotives which were used particularly for steep inclinations.

The increase in freight traffic meant that freight trains had to be coupled more frequently to two locomotives. This however was very more…

BR 75.1-3 / Badische VI b  LokSound 5 factory equipped sounds N XL L M4

German Badische Staatsbahn ordered 173 samples of 2-6-2 tank engine IV b for steep grades of Black Forrest lines. The two cylinder locos developed 540 HP and reached a maximum speed of 80 km/h.