Bulletin: New Orleans Trolley

Manufacturer: Bowser, Item number: 76436, Version: V1-V1

New Orleans' St. Charles Streetcar Line is the world's oldest continuously operated electric railway line. Electric operation began in 1893, when streetcars took over after 20 years of horsecar operation. In 1922, operation of all New Orleans streetcar lines was taken over by New Orleans Public Service Inc., or NOPSI for short. In 1923, the current streetcars, designed and built by the Perley Thomas Car Company of High Point, North Carolina, were introduced. In 1973, the St. Charles Line and the remaining fleet of 35 Perley Thomas cars received national recognition when they were named to the National Register of Historic Places.

Many of these cars are still in use today!

This ESU Sound file is set up for the Bowser HO Cars but it can be used in similar cars in any scale.

This car has direction gong bells and operates much like the Original car it was recorded from.

KeyFunctionsSound slotsVolume CVsVolume values
F0Directional Headlights
F1Gong Bell15, 16371, 379128, 128
F2Curve Squeal5291128
F3Conductor Bell12347128
F4Fare Paid Bell13355128
F5Interior Lights (Aux1)
F6Air Compressor1033160
F7Passenger Stop6299128
F8Sound (On/Off)1, 2259, 26787, 64
F9Normal Stop14363128
F11Stop Request8315128
F12Destination Sign Off (Aux2 and Aux3)
F13Forward/Reverse Auto Gongs Off
F14Auto Brake Release Off
F15Pole Arc

Make sure that index CV31 is set to 16 and index CV32 is set to 1 before changing a volume CV.