Bulletin: N&W Class Y6B 2-8-8-2

Manufacturer: ESU, Item number: S0557, Version: V2-R2

The Norfolk and Western Class Y6b was a class of 2-8-8-2 Mallets built between 1948-1952 with a total of 30 examples built for the Norfolk and Western Railway.

The Y6b was known as the workhorse of the Norfolk and Western Railway and the epitome of the compound mallet development design.

They were an improvement of the previous Y6a class with the only difference between the Y6as and the Y6bs was that the Y6bs were longer than the Y6as, had a larger firebox and had a greater tractive effort. With the Y6as only generating a tractive effort of 166,000 lbf (738.5 kN) and the Y6bs generating a tractive effort of 170,000 lbf (756.2 kN). The locomotives delivered 5,500 horsepower. The weight of a Y6b locomotive about 582,900 lbs with 522,850 lbs directly on the drivers.

When the Norfolk and Western Railway ceased their mainline steam operations in 1959, 50 of the Y6s were still running out serviceable miles in the coal fields waiting for the final order of diesels to replace them. The last of the Class Ys were retired in the summer of 1960.

CV163=0 N&W Y6B
CV163=1 N&W Hooter
CV163=2 N&W #475
CV163=3 N&W Boiler Crane
CV163=4 Hooter
CV163=5 PRR Flat Top Single-Chime Banshee Ed2
CV163=6 CN #89 Hooter
CV163=7 UP #4014 Hancock 3-Chime
CV163=8 UP #844
CV163=9 GSMR #1702

CV164=0 #3 N&W Y6B Bell
CV164=1 #765 NKP Bell
CV164=2EV #11 Bell

Brake Squeal:
CV165=0 Brake Squeal #1 Long
CV165=1 Brake Squeal #1 Short
CV165=2 Brake Squeal #2 Long
CV165=3 Brake Squeal #2 Short
CV165=4 Brake Squeal #3 Long
CV165=5 Brake Squeal #4Short

CV166=0 Soo Line 1003 Dynamo
CV166=1 K27 463 Dynamo

Air Pumps
CV167=0 Cross Compound #2 K27 463
CV167=1 Cross Compound slow #2 SP 4449
CV167=2 Westinghouse Single Stage 9" Air Pump HVSR #3

CV168=0 Johnson Bar
CV168=1 Power Reverse

The ESU Full Throttle Steam files now include a few new logic features for added operational realism while still leaving you in control of HOW YOU wish to run your locomotive.

Heavy Load: F9 by default.
Similar to the “Drive Hold” button on the Full Throttle Diesel files “Heavy Load” allows you to adjust the “Steam Cut Off Valve” at any speed allowing for a fierce full chuff or drifting with snifters and rod clanks. Heavy load can also act as an offset allowing speed adjustments when engaged if desired.

Coast: F4 by default.
Opposite of “Heavy Load” Coast allows for a negative offset allow drifting sounds of Rods and snifter valves at any speed. You again have the option to hold the speed to adjust the speed with this offset active. Even allowing for an increase of speed with no chuffs as if drifting downhill.

Independent brake: F10 by default
Identical to the Full Throttle Diesel files. This allows for the locomotive to stop more quickly than its regular momentum would normally carry it. This one is pretty self-explanatory – just press the brake and come to a stop! For additional options there are 3 Braking rates that can be set up for user preference.

Articulation: Sound Slot 2
By adding Sound Slot 2 to the F8 Function Mapping and enabling the "Secondary Trigger" (CV250) you can add a second set of drivers making any ESU Steam File articulated.

Function Mappable Air Horn: F21 by default
Sound Slot 21.
Many Steam locomotives had a single chime airhorn equipped. Those modelling SP, MILW, and others can now have this feature and put it where they would like in the function mapping in addition to the whistle.

S0557 - Release Notes

V-1 R-1:
- new project

V-2 R-2:
- steam chuff secondary trigger distance adustment to 10

KeyFunctionsSound slotsVolume CVsVolume values
F0Directional Headlights1637950
F3Coupler sounds831570
F4Coast Mode2847565
F5(Aux3) Mars Light1637950
F6(Aux2) Cab Light1637950
F7Switching Mode
F8Drive Sounds1, 2, 32259, 267, 507240, 240, 8
F9Heavy Load Mode
F10Independent Brake2242720
F11Coal Shoveling529190
F13(Aux4) Class Lights1637950
F14Air Pump Variable Speed629925
F15Air Pump slow2746725
F17Automatic Brake Set/Release Off
F18Ash Dump1436364
F20Safety Valve12347128
F21Air Horn23435225
F23Oil Headlight (no dynamo/generator)
F25Oil Burner Blower730775
F26Water Refill1839570
F28Sanding Valve1133950
F29Curve Squeal1537155
F30Disable Brake Squeal Sound
F31Sound Fader

Make sure that index CV31 is set to 16 and index CV32 is set to 1 before changing a volume CV.