Showing items 41 - 50 of 152

CSD T478.1 /T478.2 N XL L M4

State Railway of Csechoslowakia CSD ordered 230 samples of dieseleletric T478.1. The CKD prime mover K 6 S310 DR develops 1103 kW at 725 rpm. The four-axle loco reaches a maximum speed of 100 km/h.

F5 enables the heavy load mode: The diesel notch is always one up compared with normal operation. If you want to jump two notches, simply set CV 104 to 170 (instead of 150).

F27 turns on the manual ntoching. Once F28 is on, you can use F28 to notch up and F29 to notch down. F27, F28, and F29 must more…

CSD T478.3 /T478.4 N XL L M4

T 478.3
State Railway of Csechoslowakia CSD ordered 408 samples of dieseleletric T478.3 to replace steam locos on main lines. The CKD prime mover K 12 V 230 DR develops 1460 kW at 1100 rpm. The four-axle loco reaches a maximum speed of 100 km/h.

T 478.3
State Railway of Csechoslowakia CSD ordered 86 samples of dieseleletric T478.4. The CKD prime mover K 12 V 230 DR develops 1460 kW at 1100 rpm. The four-axle loco reaches a maximum speed of 100 km/h.

F5 enables the heavy load mode: The more…

CSD T669.0/ ZSR/ZSSK Rh770 N XL L M4

In 1963 the Soviet State Railways ordered a six-axle diesel locomotive with a central driver's cab based on American design principles in the Czech Republic. These had proven themselves in the Alco-RSD1 delivered to the USSR in World War II. The Czech State Railways CKD had the T669.0 derived from the Czech locomotive type supplied to the USSR (referred to as the 770 series from 1988) and purchased 110 units. The charged six-cylinder diesel engine CKD K 6s 310 DR developed 994 kW at 750 rpm and more…

D.752 N XL L M4

State Railway of Csechoslowakia CSD sold 57 samples of dieseleletric 753 to Inekon Holding Prag IH. IH replaced CKD prime mover with refurbed CKD K6 S310 DR motor. The motor develops 1220 kW and enables the four-axle loco to reach a maximum speed of 100 km/h. Eight oft he locos went to Ferrovia Sangritana.

F5 enables the heavy load mode: The diesel notch is always one up compared with normal operation. If you want to jump two notches, simply set CV 104 to 170 (instead of 150).

F27 turns on more…

D.753 N XL L M4

State Railway of Csechia CD sold 57 samples of dieseleletric 753 to Inekon Holding Prag IH. IH replaced CKD prime mover with new Caterpillar CAT 3512B. The motor develops 1450 kW and enables the four-axle loco to reach a maximum speed of 100 km/h. The modified locos went to private italian railways Nord Cargo SrL, Hupac, Rail Traction Company oder Udine-Civuidale.

F5 enables the heavy load mode: The diesel notch is always one up compared with normal operation. If you want to jump two more…

D319 N XL L M4

Diesel elektric Loco RENFE D319, GE 16-645E engine

DE2700/ Di6/ ME26 N XL L M4

Based on the diesel-electric series DE 1024 with three-phase power transmission, MaK and Siemens developed the Di6 for the Norwegian State Railways NSB. The MaK 12M282 diesel engine developed 2650 kW at 1000 rpm and generated the power for the six traction motors. Since the locomotive with its top speed of 160 km/h was also to be used in heavy passenger train service, it was fitted with a train heating system. The twelve locomotives had various problems, two locomotives burned out. After more…

Desiro N XL L M4

Dieseltriebwagen Epoche IV

DR V100 N XL L M4

The dieselhydraulic V100 (1968 BR 110 – 115, ab 1992 BR 201 – 204, 293) had been developed by VEB Lokomotivbau „Karl Marx“ for GDR state railway DR for multi purpose service on main and branch lines. The traction motors delivered 1000 HP at 1500 rpm and enabled the loco to reach a maximum speed of 100 km/h. The turbocharged engine 12 KVD 21 SVW is similar to the motor of V180/V100.


Different starting processes can be selected with F1:

1x press button = warm start / press button 2x = more…


Between 1981 and 1985 the Danish State Railways DSB purchased 37 units of the diesel-electric series ME from the consortium Henschel, BBC, Scandia. Due to the positive experience with American drive technology, the 2427 kW (at 900 rpm) 16-cylinder two-stroke engine 16-645 E3B from EMD was chosen as the diesel engine, which generates the energy for the six traction motors. With a top speed of 175 km/h, the six-axle vehicles equipped with push-pull and multiple traction control were initially more…