Showing items 61 - 70 of 99


Swiss Montreux-Berner Oberlandbahn MOB ordered four samples of electric Ge 4/4 III for their narrow gauge lines. The locos develop 2000 kW. The maximum speed of 120 km/h is not used during operation.

Ge 4/4 III N XL L M4

Hochleistungslokomotive Ge 4/4 lll

Ge 4/4 II N XL L M4

The Rhetian Railway (RhB) of Switzerland ordered 23 four axle electric locos Ge 4/4 for the meter gauge Stammnetz at SLM in 1973. The 1700 kW locos reach a maximum speed of 90 km/h and are used for passenger and freight service.

MOB BCFe 4/4 7-20 N XL L M4

Starting in 1904, the Montreux-Berner Oberland-Bahn (MOB) purchased fourteen four-axle electric railcars from SIG, which were intended for use on the two newly opened routes Montbovon - Château-d'Oex - Gstaad and Gstaad - Zweisimmen. The meter-gauge railcars developed 192 kW and reached a top speed of 45 km/h, which was later increased to 50 km/h. In the course of their long service life, often only some of the vehicles were subjected to various conversions. For example, four vehicles received more…

RhB Be4/4 511-514 N XL L M4

Starting in 1971, the Rhaetian Railway RhB procured four three-car Be 4/4 electric multiple units, primarily for suburban traffic in Chur. At the time, the four-motor push-pull trans trains were the first traction vehicles in Switzerland to have thyristor control. The 784 kW strong reached a top speed of 90 km/h. In addition to an electro-pneumatic air brake, the three-part vehicles also decelerated with the electric regenerative brake. In 1979, the RhB ordered two more, largely identical more…

Ge 4/4 II N XL L M4

The Rhetian Railway (RhB) of Switzerland ordered 23 four axle electric locos Ge 4/4 for the meter gauge Stammnetz at SLM in 1973. The 1700 kW locos reach a maximum speed of 90 km/h and are used for passenger and freight service.

V200.0 N XL L M4

In early 1950s young German Federal Railway (DB) introduced four axle two motor dieselhydraulic V200. The loco is powered by two 12 cylinder 1100 HP diesel made by Daimler-Benz, MAN or mostly a MD650 made by Maybach. For use in passenger service all locos received steam heating equipment by Hagenuk. With its maximum speed of 140 km/h the locos were used for multi purpose. After around 30 years DB discharged the locos. 13 locos went to Italian users, seven were sold to swiss SBB for traction of more…

FS E626 N XL L M4

Elektrolokomotive FS E 626 Ep.IV-V
Nach fünf Vorserienloks bestellten die Italienischen Staatsbahnen FS zwischen 1933 und 1935 insgesamt 268 Exemplare der sechsachsigen Ellok E626 in mehreren Serien. Jeweils zwei Achsen waren in einem Gestell zusammen gefasst. Die beiden Endgestelle waren drehbar, das mittlere starr gelagert. Die sechs Fahrmotoren des FS-Typs 32.200 leisteten zusammen 2100 kW, die Höchstgeschwindigkeit der Lok betrug 95 km/h.

SNCF 140 C N XL L M4

Between 1913 and 1917 the French state railway company ÉTAT purchased 340 copies of the 1’D 140 C steam locomotive. After the beginning of the First World War, production was outsourced to British manufacturers. A third series of 70 machines was ordered for the transport of French artillery trains and after the War sold in equal parts to the French Eastern Railway EST and the PLM. The locomotives intended for freight train service developed 1210 hp and achieved an impressive 70 km/h for a more…

BR 216 / V160 N XL L M4

After nine pre-series locomotives of the diesel-hydraulic series V160 with a complex round front (nicknamed Lollo, after the Italian film actress Gina Lollobrigida), in 1963 Henschel produced the last pre-series locomotive with an angular front, similar to that of the six-axle V320. Common to all pre-series locomotives was the 16-cylinder Maybach MD 870 diesel engine (later renamed MTU 16V 538 TB). The locomotives, equipped with steam heating, developed 1,900 hp and reached a top speed of 120 more…